Authors: MUDr. Libor Šafařík, CSc.;  MUDr. Květoslav Novák;  prof. MUDr. Jan Dvořáček, DrSc.
Authors place of work: Urologická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN Praha
Published in the journal: Urol List 2005; 3(3): 12-16


Radical laparoscopic prostatectomy is a modern surgical method introduced in common clinical practice by French experts in the late 1990's. Subsequently, it soon became a widely used method in all the advanced countries of the world and there are dozens of urological centres today, which can boast hundreds (or even thousands) of patients who underwent this surgery. In skilled hands, this procedure is safe and very advantageous for the patient for several reasons, e.g. preoperative blood loss, postoperative morbidity, incontinency and erectile disfunction percentages. Comparing with the number of complications in open and laparoscopic radical prostatectomies, the results for laparosco­pic surgery are at least equal if not better than those for open procedures. However, deep erudition and experience of the surgeon is the condition sine qua non.

laparoscopy, carcinoma of prostate, urology, oncology


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Paediatric urologist Urology
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