Doc. MUDr. L. Jarolím, CSc. 1; MUDr. L. Teršípová 1; MUDr. M. Rejchrt 1; MUDr. M. Schmidt 1; MUDr. V. Kaliská 1; MUDr. M. Pročková 1; As. MUDr. K. Bartoníčková 1; As. MUDr. P. Hanek 1; As. MUDr. J. Šedý 2; As. MUDr. O. Naňka 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Urologická klinika 2. LF UK a FN v Motole, Praha
1; Anatomický ústav 1. LF UK, Praha
Published in:
Urol List 2006; 4(1): 36-42
A shift of social tolerability in favour formerly not comprehended sexual minorities, enabled people with transsexualism an adequate integration and treatment. A gender reassignment poses a significant phase of a complex care of transsexual persons. The presence of considerable group of these patients brought a need of specific development of reconstructive surgery of genitalia and urethra.
The outcome of the gender reassignment in patients with male-to-female transsexualism is very accurate imitation of female genitalia enabling an intercourse with orgasm. The outcome of an inverse reassignment depends on the used technique, preserves possibility of an orgasm and can bring possibility of micturition in standing position and satisfactory neopenis appearance.
transsexualism, sex conversion surgery
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Urological Journal

2006 Issue 1
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