Authors: prof. MUDr. Libor Páč, CSc.
Authors‘ workplace: Anatomický ústav LF MU, Brno
Published in: Urol List 2006; 4(3): 5-7


Lymphatic drainage of the testes was first defined by Most in 1899 and in the ensuing years, the definition was further clarified. It was discovered that tumours situated on the right hand side tended to metastasize into interaortocaval, precaval and preaortal nodes and those on the left into paraaortal and preaortal, and later into interaortocaval and possibly other types. With the use of lymphography, it was shown that there was direct drainage into the ductus thoracicus. The sentinel lymph node therefore, lies far away from its source organ. This fact must be borne in mind when treating metastatic testicle tumours using radiation far from the original tumour, and also during surgery and radiation of the metastases. It is of utmost importance that the surgeon be well oriented in the nodi lymphatici lumbales because during lymphadenectomy, he/she must be able to clearly identify nodes and separate them from ganglia. Knowledge of the embryonic development of the sex glands is a must for proper orientation in the vascular and lymphatic systems of the testes.

nodi lymphatici lumbales, testis, testis development


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