Peyronie´s disease
L. A. Levine; F. L. Taylor
Published in:
Urol List 2008; 6(4): 5-17
Peyronie's disease is believed to be a wound healing disorder resulting in a fibrous inelastic scar resulting in a variety of penile dysfunctions. This includes deformity in the erect state, shortening, narrowing, indentations, pain and is frequently associated with erectile dysfunction. Historical reviews have suggested that Peyronie's disease is rare and tends to resolve spontaneously. More recent demographic and natural history studies have demonstrated that Peyronie's disease has been reported to occur in 4–9 % of adult males and rarely resolves spontaneously. As a result of the deformity and associated sexual dysfunction this disorder can be devastating both physically and psychologically. This article will review the history, current understanding of pathophysiology, epidemiology, and recommended patient evaluation. There will also be a review of current non-surgical and surgical treatment options. The goal is to familiarize the practicing urologist with the contemporary approach to Peyronie's disease with hopes that this will guide more effective treatment, as well as a better understanding of this devastating disorder.
Key words:
Peyronie's disease, penile deformity, erectile dysfunction, injection therapy, traction therapy
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Literatura k tabulce 2
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Literatura k tabulce 3
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8. Hsu GL, Chen HS, Hsieh CH et al. Long-term results of autologous venous grafts for penile morphological reconstruction. J Androl 2007; 28: 186–193.
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Urological Journal

2008 Issue 4
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