Development of surgical retrieval a men's sperm with azoospemia
V. Sobotka; J. Heráček
Published in:
Urol List 2012; 10(4): 15-18
The article si about development of surgical sampling a men's sperm with azoospemia after the introduction of ICSI method at the end of seventies. This method of direct injection of sperm into ovarias enables fertilization of one egg with one sperm. With IVF man can have their own children, regardless if they have a serious disorders of spermatogenesis and azoospemia. These man, had been previously excluded from the possibility of reproduction and fertilization, was only possible with sperm of donor. ICSI is therefore regarded as one of key milestones in assisted reproduction. For urologists, that opened the possibility of teamwork with gynekology. Method microTESE is the most efective in sampling sperm and most gentle to the tissues and vasculaziations. During microTESE procedure late complitations are minimilized. Individual techniques are described in the article including pros and cons of individual undertakings. At the end of article the autor is sharing his experience in sampling a men´s sperm for last 18 years.
Key words:
ICSI - nonobstructive azoospermia - methods of surgical retrieval of sperm - TESE
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Paediatric urologist UrologyArticle was published in
Urological Journal

2012 Issue 4
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- Development of surgical retrieval a men's sperm with azoospemia