The options of the use of the super-absorptive drain in the diabetic foot
Jana Pecová
Authors place of work:
Ambulance pro diabetickou nohu, Diabetologické a edukační centrum, II. Interní klinika, FN u sv. Anny v Brně
Published in the journal:
Hojení ran 7, č. 3: 12-16, 2013
Diabetic foot
The options of the use of the super-absorptive drain in the diabetic foot
In the diabetic foot we often see deep fistulas or crater-shape mined defects with trunks, pockets or tunnels connecting the sole with the instep.
In our brief case reports the potential long term treatment of such conditions by the superabsorptive drains (material Advadraw Spiral) is documented.
Key words:
diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot syndrome, drains
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