Statin-ezetimibe combination in hyperlipidemia treatment

Authors: Tomáš Vařeka;  Daniela Vítková;  Miroslav Zeman;  Marek Vecka;  Aleš Žák
Authors place of work: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, 1. lékařská fakulta, IV. interní klinika VFN
Published in the journal: Čas. Lék. čes. 2012; 151: 17-21
Category: Původní práce


Statin monotherapy for dyslipidemia only rarely achieves recommended target values of plasma lipids. Statin plus ezetimibe is a feasible treatment option. The aim of the present study was to test efficacy and safety of statin plus ezetimibe combination in the treatment of severe dyslipidemia in patients coming to an ordinary lipid and diabetology department.

Methods and results.
A retrospective evaluation of 3 months treatment in 82 dyslipidemia patients (25 male, 57 female) with unsatisfactory statin monotherapy results (average equivalent of 30 mg atorvastatin) was performed. Ezetimibe 10 mg per day was added to preceding treatment. The group included 26 diabetics type 2. The addition of ezetimibe resulted in statistically significant decrease of plasma total cholesterol (TC) (‑21%), LDL-C (-28%), triacylglyceroles (TAG) (-26%) and HDL-C (-6%). The recommended values of LDL-C were achieved in 42% of patients. In the diabetic subgroup a significant decrease of TC (24%), LDL-C (33%) and TAG (18%) was observed. There was no significant decrease of HDL-C. The recommended value of LDL-C was achieved in 48% of diabetics. There were no unfavourable side effects.

The addition of ezetimib in a dose of 10 mg in hyperlipidaemia patients who had not achieved the recommended target values of LDL-C resulted in a subsequent significant decrease of both TC and LDL-C. It also enabled to increase the number of patients achieving the recommended target plasma lipid values. The treatment was safe and was not associated with adverse effects.

Key words:
hyperlipidaemia, statin, ezetimib, combined hypolipidemic treatment.


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