Morbidita pacientok po cisárskom reze
Morbidita pacientok po cisárskom reze
To determine the frequency, spectrum of indications and complications and maternalmorbidity rate connected with Caesarean sections as the most frequent mode of operative delivery.Design: Retrospective, epidemiologic and comparative clinical study.Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jessenius Medical Faculty, Comenius University,Martin, Slovak Republic.Methods: The authors retrospectively analyzed clinical data during a ten-years period. The numberof deliveries, premature deliveries, frequency of Caesarean section, indications and maternalmorbidity rate were determined. Further, a special attention was paid to premature deliveries andthe related frequency of Caesarean sections and maternal morbidity rate in this group. In addition,the effectiveness of a complex pre-operative management was evaluated.Results: The evidence shows that the natality rate is decreasing and the incidence of prematuredeliveries is increasing. The frequency of Caesarean sections is relatively stable with lower morbidityrate in the group of premature Caesarean deliveries. The positive effect of antibiotics, heparinand anti-aspiration medication within a complex pre-operative management was proved to decreasethe frequency and severity of complications.Conclusions: The maternal morbidity rate following Caesarean delivery is relatively low, owing tothe use of prophylaxis. However, it is vital to keep to the indications for Caesarean termination ofthe pregnancy, because there is still substantial mortality rate connected with it.
Klíčová slova:
maternal morbidity, Caesarean section, prevention, prophylaxis
Morbidity of the Patients after Caesarean Section
Cieľ štúdie:
Na základe analýzy klinického materiálu zistiť frekvenciu, indikácie, komplikáciea materskú morbiditu v súvislosti s cisárskym rezom, najčastejšímspôsobom operačného ukončeniatehotnosti.Typ štúdie: Retrospektívna, epidemiologická a porovnávacia klinická štúdia.Názov a sídlo pracoviska: Ženská klinika MFN a JLF Univerzity Komenského, Martin, Slovenskárepublika.Predmet a metóda štúdie: V štúdii autori retrospektívne analyzovali klinický materiál za obdobiedesiatich rokov. V epidemiologickej časti práce vyhodnotili počet pôrodov a predčasných pôrodov, frekvenciu cisárskych rezov a indikácie na cisársky rez a materskú morbiditu. V porovnávacej častivyhodnotili vplyv cisárskych rezov u predčasných pôrodov na frekvenciu cisárskych rezov a materskúmorbiditu a vyhodnotili vplyv komplexnej profylaxie na materskú morbiditu.Výsledky: Analýzou výsledkov autori zistili, že dochádza k poklesu pôrodnosti, pri súčasne narastajúcejfrekvencii predčasných pôrodov. Frekvencia cisárskych rezov sa však výraznejšie nemení.Morbidita pacientok bola nižšia v skupine žien s predčasným pôrodom ukončeným cisárskymrezom. Zistili tiež, že používanie komplexnej profylaxie - antibiotiká, heparinizácia a antiaspiračnáliečba - má pozitívny vplyv na frekvenciu a závažnosť komplikácií.Záver: Materská morbidita po cisárskom reze je relatívne nízka, a to v dôsledku využívania metódprofylaxie. Je však nutné prísne dodržiavať indikácie na ukončenie pôrodu cisárskym rezom,pretože materská mortalita v súvislosti s cisárskym rezom je stále nezanedbateľná.
Key words:
J. Višňovský; S. Tomáš; J. Danko; O. Fabušová; K. Dókuš
Působiště autorů:
Ženská klinika JLF UK a MFN Martin, prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Danko, CSc.
Vyšlo v časopise:
Ceska Gynekol 2003; (4): 293-297
To determine the frequency, spectrum of indications and complications and maternalmorbidity rate connected with Caesarean sections as the most frequent mode of operative delivery.Design: Retrospective, epidemiologic and comparative clinical study.Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jessenius Medical Faculty, Comenius University,Martin, Slovak Republic.Methods: The authors retrospectively analyzed clinical data during a ten-years period. The numberof deliveries, premature deliveries, frequency of Caesarean section, indications and maternalmorbidity rate were determined. Further, a special attention was paid to premature deliveries andthe related frequency of Caesarean sections and maternal morbidity rate in this group. In addition,the effectiveness of a complex pre-operative management was evaluated.Results: The evidence shows that the natality rate is decreasing and the incidence of prematuredeliveries is increasing. The frequency of Caesarean sections is relatively stable with lower morbidityrate in the group of premature Caesarean deliveries. The positive effect of antibiotics, heparinand anti-aspiration medication within a complex pre-operative management was proved to decreasethe frequency and severity of complications.Conclusions: The maternal morbidity rate following Caesarean delivery is relatively low, owing tothe use of prophylaxis. However, it is vital to keep to the indications for Caesarean termination ofthe pregnancy, because there is still substantial mortality rate connected with it.
Klíčová slova:
maternal morbidity, Caesarean section, prevention, prophylaxis
Detská gynekológia Gynekológia a pôrodníctvo Reprodukčná medicínaČlánok vyšiel v časopise
Česká gynekologie
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