Vyšlo v časopise:
Čes-slov Pediat 2010; 65 (12): 10-11.
Brdlík’s Price Awarded 419
Eckschlager T., Starý J.: Professor Koutecký – 80 Years 495
Janda J., Bayer M., Kokštein Z.: Assoc. Prof. Oldřich Pozler, M.D., Ph.D. – 60-year Jubilee 563
Janda J.: Attitudes of the Czech Pediatric Society Respect Specificities of the Child Evolution 675
Janda J.: Risk of Hormonal Contraceptives in Adolescent Girls 367
Jičínská H.: Prenatal Cardiology in the Czech Republic 623
Original Papers
Čižnár P., Palkovičová Ľ., Rausová K., Patayová H., Babjaková J., Kovalíková A., Reichrtová E.: Development of Asthma Symptoms and Allergic Sensitization in Preschool Children – Results of a Prospective Cohort Study 10
Čuta M., Kukla L., Novák L.: Modelling the Development of Body Height (Length) in Children Using Parental Height Data 159
Demová K., Magyarová G., Bystrická A.: The Effect of Initial Management of Ventilation on the Incidence of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia and Other Morbidities in Neonates Born at 24th–27th Weeks of Gestation at Clinic of Neonatology Slovak University Hospital Nove Zamky 503
Doležalová Š., Langer J.: Unilateral Multicystic Dysplasia of the Kidneys (A Cohort of Patients) 676
Dvořáková L., Hřebíček M., Vlášková H., Szentiványi K., Zeman J.: Importance of Molecular Genetic Analysis for Diagnosis and Genetic Counseling in Families with Hyperammonemia and Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase Deficiency 575
Hadačová I.: Inherited Thrombophilic Tendencies and Oral Contraceptive Pills 384
Honzík T., Tesařová M., Hansíková H., Wenchich L., Veselá K., Ješina P., Magner M., Zeman J.: Clinical Symptoms and Laboratory Data in 75 Children with Neonatal Manifestation of Mitochondrial Disease: Proposed Diagnostic Algorithms 422
Hyánek J., Maťoška V., Dubská L., Pejznochová H., Vaingátová S., Pehal F., Martiníková V., Privarová J.: Thromboembolic Events in Girls and Young Women Taking Hormonal Contraception 369
Hyjánek J., Pastucha D., Tichý L., Fajkusová L., Freiberger T.: Results of Molecular Genetic Examinations in Patients of the Child Lipid Advisory Center at the Faculty Hospital at Olomouc within the Framework of the MedPed Project 441
Janoušek S., Sedlak P., Zvadová Z., Faierajzlová V., Janoušek S., Vignerová J., Roth Z.: Epidemiology of Non-fatal Accidents and the Development of the Accident Rate in Children over the Past Decade in the Czech Republic. A Shift in the Hitherto Trend? 167
Jeseňák M., Sanisló Ľ., Kuniaková R., Rennerová Z., Buchanec J., Bánovčin P.: Imunoglukan P4H® in the Prevention of Recurrent Respiratory Infections in Childhood 639
Kobr J., Pizingerová K., Šašek L., Fremuth J., Honomichl P., Vondráková R., Kudová J., Bergerová T., Racek J.: Rapidly Progressive Complications of the Influenza A Type in Children 386
Laho L., Kenderessy P.: Hospitalization of Children for Bronchiolitis in Slovakia in 1996–2006 571
Lipový B., Suchánek I., Řihová H., Mager R., Krupicová H.: Epidemiology of Children’s Burn Trauma in South Moravia. A comparative study after 15 years 3
Marinov Z., Čepová J.: Metabolic Parameters of Patients Attending Children Obesity (Obesitology) Outpatient Department 72
Pavlíček J., Gruszka T.: Inborn Heart Defects and Their Risk Factors 626
Prášil P., Čermáková Z., Plíšek S.: The Significance of the Dynamics of Serological and PCR Diagnostic Data for the Likelihood of Congenital Toxoplasmosis in Children Born to Toxoplasma Seropositive Mothers 432
Procházka M., Votava F.: Acute Pyelonephritis – A Questionnaire Study of Diagnostics and Treatment in the Czech Republic 62
Sinaiová A., Šeliga P., Puschauerová M., Reváková I.: Chromosome Studies in Neonates of the Prešov Region (Slovakia) 103
Starková J., Zámostná B., Mejstříková E., Trka J.: Expression Pattern of Homeodomain Genes Does Not Define the Known Subgroups of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic
Leukemias 497
Štichhauer R., Koudelka J., Rejtar P.: Current Trends in the Treatment of Invagination in Childhood 634
Štillová L., Maťašová K., Štilla J., Zibolen M.: Prophylaxis of Early-onset Streptococcal Sepsis in Newborn Infants 565
Švihrová V., Hudečková H., Buchancová J., Avdičová M.: Analysis of Vaccination in Children Population against Tick-borne Encephalitis in the Slovak Republic from 1997 through 2009 445
Vitáriušová E., Košťálová Ľ., Pribilincová Z., Hlavatá A., Kovács L.: Occurrence of Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components in Obese Children 55
Case Histories
Bukovinská Z., Maťašová K., Murgaš D., Strechová Z., Krausová I., Dragula M., Zibolen M.: Gastric Rupture in Premature Newborn 19
Šabová L., Blusková Z., Virgová D., Cingel V., Porubský J., Košťálová Ľ.: Delayed Puberty Onset and Short Stature as First Signs of Swyer Syndrome? 110
Vidiščák M., Hušťavová L.: Salmonella Arthritis of Talocrural Joint in a Suckling 22
Zoľáková B., Krausová I., Maťašová K.: Fetomaternal Haemorrhage as a Cause of Severe Neonatal Anaemia 580
Adamík P., Ondrejka I., Tonhajzerová I., Vyšehradský R.: Specific Aspects of Selected Sleep Disorders in Childhood 598
Dědek P.: Autoimmune Liver Diseases in Children. Part I 694
Frühauf P.: Lactose Intolerance 126
Chroustová D., Urbanová I., Palyzová D., Langer J.: Current Role of Diuretic Renal Scintigraphy in Childhood 682
Janda J., Sládková E., Jana Zůnová J.: Urinary Tract Infection in Children and Adolescents, Recent Data on Etiology, Diagnostics and Therapy 706
Kabíček P., Sulek Š., Mizerová L., Starostová O., Wenchich L., Csémy L., Knight J.: The Screening and Brief Intervention Project in Primary Care Pediatric Surgeries with the Aim of Reducing Substance Abuse by Teenagers 654
Kováč J., Kováč D.: Natal and Neonatal Teeth 118
Macko J.: Procedural Pain in the Newborn: Possible Prevention and Mitigation 584
Malina M., Janda J., Seeman T.: Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) – One of the Most Common Causes of Acute Renal Failure in Childhood. Complexity of the Pathophysiology and Novel Diagnostic and Therapeutic Options for Atypical Forms 648
Pleskačová J., Šnajderová M., Lebl J.: Disorders of Sex Development: Currently Recommended Classification and New Knowledge of Gonadal Maldevelopment 79
Procházková D.: Present Opportunities for Treatment of Hyperphenylalaninemia 452
Procházková M., Janota J.: Body Temperature and Thermoregulation in the Newborn 401
Průchová D., Velemínský M.: Shaken Baby Syndrome 179
Rosoľanková M., Franková E.: Congenital Hyperinsulinism – Most Frequent Cause of Persistent Hypoglycemia in Newborns and Infants 516
Seydlová M., Ginzelová K., Dostálová T.:
The Problems of Short Frenulum 592
Šamudovská K., Podracká Ľ.: Assessment of Arterial Wall Stiffness by Measurement of Pulse Wave Velocity in Children 459
Tuková J., Němcová D., Hoza J., Doležalová P.: Methotrexate in Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis 394
Vojtková J., Ďurdík P., Čiljaková M., Vojarová L., Bánovčin P.: Possible Management of Diabetic Neuropathy in Childhood 186
Zibolen M.: Neonatal Hydrocephalus – The Value of Evaluation of the Brain by Means of Sonography 510
Postgraduate study
Dědek P.: Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis 197
Hamanová J., Csémy L.: Prenatal Effects of Alcohol 606
Kolský A., Doležalová Š., Skálová S., Jiroušová K., Bébrová E., Kolská M.: Urinary Tract Infections in Adolescents 25
Mráz M., Podracká Ľ.: Acute Kidney Injury – Classification, Etiology, Diagnosis 86
Mráz M., Podracká Ľ.: Acute Injury in Children – Therapy and Prognosis 132
Skálová S., Zieg J., Minxová L.: Henoch-Schönlein Purpura – State-of-the-Art Diagnosis and Treatment 660
Actual Reviews
Böhles H.: Actual Situation of Pediatrics in Germany 715
Králíková E., Kmeťová A., Šípková M.: Treatament of Tobacco Dependence –New, Important and Difficult Medical Topic 613
Malina L.: Hydroa vacciniforme 406
Perlín C.: Complementary Nutrition – Commentary of the Committee for Nutrition ESPGHAN (The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition) 34
Vašíčková L.: Possibilities of Spa Therapy in the Filip’s Sanatorium in Poděbrady 144
Velemínský M. jr., Velemínský M. sen.: Some Controversies in Gynecology and Obstetrics 616
Statement of Scientific Society
Frühauf P.: Revised Guidelines for Diagnosis, Therapy and Prevention Cow Milk Protein Allergy 466
Mihál V., Janda J.: Swimming Courses for Infants and Toddlers – What Should Their Families Know 717
Doležel Z., Wechsler D., Jimramovský T., Elstnerová L.: Congenital Hyperinsulinism – Some Obstacles in Diagnostics and Therapy 523
No. 5: IXth Czech Pediatric Congress with international participation Olomouc, 19–22 May 2010
Neonatológia Pediatria Praktické lekárstvo pre deti a dorastČlánok vyšiel v časopise
Česko-slovenská pediatrie

2010 Číslo 12
- Gastroezofageální reflux a gastroezofageální refluxní onemocnění u kojenců a batolat
- Využití hodnoticích skóre a objektivních nástrojů při léčbě astmatu
Najčítanejšie v tomto čísle
- Autoimunitní onemocnění jater v dětském věku – část I
- Unilaterální multicystická dysplazie ledvin (soubor pacientů)
- Současné postavení dynamické scintigrafie ledvin s aplikací diuretika v dětském věku
- Infekce močových cest u dětí a dorostu, novější údaje o etiologii, diagnostice a léčbě