Expression of a novel class of bacterial Ig-like proteins is required for IncHI plasmid conjugation
Mário Hüttener aff001; Alejandro Prieto aff001; Sonia Aznar aff001; Manuel Bernabeu aff001; Estibaliz Glaría aff002; Annabel F. Valledor aff002; Sonia Paytubi aff001; Susana Merino aff001; Joan Tomás aff001; Antonio Juárez aff001
Působiště autorů:
Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
aff001; Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
aff002; Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Barcelona, Spain
Vyšlo v časopise:
Expression of a novel class of bacterial Ig-like proteins is required for IncHI plasmid conjugation. PLoS Genet 15(9): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1008399
Research Article
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is currently one of the most important challenges to the treatment of bacterial infections. A critical issue to combat AMR is to restrict its spread. In several instances, bacterial plasmids are involved in the global spread of AMR. Plasmids belonging to the incompatibility group (Inc)HI are widespread in Enterobacteriaceae and most of them express multiple antibiotic resistance determinants. They play a relevant role in the recent spread of colistin resistance. We present in this report novel findings regarding IncHI plasmid conjugation. Conjugative transfer in liquid medium of an IncHI plasmid requires expression of a plasmid-encoded, large-molecular-mass protein that contains an Ig-like domain. The protein, termed RSP, is encoded by a gene (ORF R0009) that maps in the Tra2 region of the IncHI1 R27 plasmid. The RSP protein is exported outside the cell by using the plasmid-encoded type IV secretion system that is also used for its transmission to new cells. Expression of the protein reduces cell motility and enables plasmid conjugation. Flagella are one of the cellular targets of the RSP protein. The RSP protein is required for a high rate of plasmid transfer in both flagellated and nonflagellated Salmonella cells. This effect suggests that RSP interacts with other cellular structures as well as with flagella. These unidentified interactions must facilitate mating pair formation and, hence, facilitate IncHI plasmid conjugation. Due to its location on the outer surfaces of the bacterial cell, targeting the RSP protein could be a means of controlling IncHI plasmid conjugation in natural environments or of combatting infections caused by AMR enterobacteria that harbor IncHI plasmids.
Klíčová slova:
DNA – Biology and life sciences – Cell biology – Genetics – Genomics – Mobile genetic elements – Genetic elements – Biochemistry – Nucleic acids – Organisms – Research and analysis methods – Molecular biology – Database and informatics methods – Bioinformatics – Sequence analysis – Molecular biology techniques – Cellular types – Animal cells – Medicine and health sciences – Cellular structures and organelles – Microbiology – Medical microbiology – Microbial pathogens – Bacterial pathogens – Bacteria – Pathology and laboratory medicine – Pathogens – Virulence factors – Pathogen motility – Pharmacology – Infectious diseases – Bacterial diseases – Immunology – DNA construction – Microbial control – Blood cells – White blood cells – Immune cells – Forms of DNA – Sequence databases – Biological databases – Macrophages – Plasmid construction – Antimicrobial resistance – Antibiotic resistance – Enterobacteriaceae – Plasmids – Flagella – Salmonella
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