HIV Treatment as Prevention: Models, Data, and Questions—Towards Evidence-Based Decision-Making
Antiretroviral therapy (ART) for those infected with HIV can prevent onward transmission of infection, but biological efficacy alone is not enough to guide policy decisions about the role of ART in reducing HIV incidence. Epidemiology, economics, demography, statistics, biology, and mathematical modelling will be central in framing key decisions in the optimal use of ART. PLoS Medicine, with the HIV Modelling Consortium, has commissioned a set of articles that examine different aspects of HIV treatment as prevention with a forward-looking research agenda. Interlocking themes across these articles are discussed in this introduction. We hope that this article, and others in the collection, will provide a foundation upon which greater collaborations between disciplines will be formed, and will afford deeper insights into the key factors involved, to help strengthen the support for evidence-based decision-making in HIV prevention.
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HIV Treatment as Prevention: Models, Data, and Questions—Towards Evidence-Based Decision-Making. PLoS Med 9(7): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001259
Antiretroviral therapy (ART) for those infected with HIV can prevent onward transmission of infection, but biological efficacy alone is not enough to guide policy decisions about the role of ART in reducing HIV incidence. Epidemiology, economics, demography, statistics, biology, and mathematical modelling will be central in framing key decisions in the optimal use of ART. PLoS Medicine, with the HIV Modelling Consortium, has commissioned a set of articles that examine different aspects of HIV treatment as prevention with a forward-looking research agenda. Interlocking themes across these articles are discussed in this introduction. We hope that this article, and others in the collection, will provide a foundation upon which greater collaborations between disciplines will be formed, and will afford deeper insights into the key factors involved, to help strengthen the support for evidence-based decision-making in HIV prevention.
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13. DonnellDBaetenJMKiarieJThomasKKStevensW 2010 Heterosexual HIV-1 transmission after initiation of antiretroviral therapy: a prospective cohort analysis. Lancet 375 2092 2098
14. AttiaSEggerMMullerMZwahlenMLowN 2009 Sexual transmission of HIV according to viral load and antiretroviral therapy: systematic review and meta-analysis. AIDS 23 1397 1404
15. EatonJWJohnsonLFSalomonJABärnighausenTBendavidE 2012 HIV treatment as prevention: systematic comparison of mathematical models of the potential impact of antiretroviral therapy on HIV incidence in South Africa. PLoS Med 9 e1001245 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001245
16. SmithMKPowersKAMuessigKEMillerWCCohenMS 2012 HIV treatment as prevention: the utility and limitations of ecological observation. PLoS Med 9 e1001260 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001260
17. WilsonDP 2012 HIV treatment as prevention: natural experiments highlight limits of antiretroviral treatment as HIV prevention. PLoS Med 9 e1001231 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001231
18. CohenMSDyeCFraserCMillerWCPowersKA 2012 HIV treatment as prevention: debate and commentary—will early infection compromise treatment-as-prevention strategies? PLoS Med 9 e1001232 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001232
19. Meyer-RathGOverM 2012 HIV treatment as prevention: modelling the cost of antiretroviral treatment—state of the art and future directions. PLoS Med 9 e1001247 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001247
20. BärnighausenTSalomonJASangrujeeN 2012 HIV treatment as prevention: issues in economic evaluation. PLoS Med 9 e1001263 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001263
21. DelvaWEatonJWMengFFraserCWhiteRG 2012 HIV treatment as prevention: optimising the impact of expanded HIV treatment programmes. PLoS Med 9 e1001258 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001258
22. BoilyMCMâsseBAlsallaqRPadianNSEatonJW 2012 HIV treatment as prevention: considerations in the design, conduct, and analysis of cluster randomized controlled trials of combination HIV prevention. PLoS Med 9 e1001250 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001250
23. DelvaWWilsonDPAbu-RaddadLGorgensMWilsonD 2012 HIV treatment as prevention: principles of good HIV epidemiology modelling for public health decision-making in all modes of prevention and evaluation. PLoS Med 9 e1001239 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001239
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25. Eligibility for ART in Lower Income Countries (eART-linc) Collaboration 2008 Duration from seroconversion to eligibility for antiretroviral therapy and from ART eligibility to death in adult HIV-infected patients from low and middle-income countries: collaborative analysis of prospective studies. Sex Transm Infect 84 Suppl 1 i31 i36
26. LodiSPhillipsATouloumiGGeskusRMeyerL 2011 Time from human immunodeficiency virus seroconversion to reaching CD4+ cell count thresholds <200, <350, and <500 cells/mm3: assessment of need following changes in treatment guidelines. Clin Infect Dis 53 817 825
27. GranichRMGilksCFDyeCDe CockKMWilliamsBG 2009 Universal voluntary HIV testing with immediate antiretroviral therapy as a strategy for elimination of HIV transmission: a mathematical model. Lancet 373 48 57
28. SweatMMorinSCelentanoDMulawaMSinghB 2011 Community-based intervention to increase HIV testing and case detection in people aged 16–32 years in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and Thailand (NIMH Project Accept, HPTN 043): a randomised study. Lancet Infect Dis 11 525 532
29. RosenSFoxMP 2011 Retention in HIV care between testing and treatment in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review. PLoS Med 8 e1001056 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001056
30. KatzITEssienTMarindaETGrayGEBangsbergDR 2011 Antiretroviral therapy refusal among newly diagnosed HIV-infected adults. AIDS 25 2177 2181
31. Schöni-AffolterFKeiserOMwangoAStringerJLedergerberB 2011 Estimating loss to follow-up in HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy: the effect of the competing risk of death in Zambia and Switzerland. PLoS ONE 6 e27919 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027919
32. CornellMGrimsrudAFairallLFoxMPvan CutsemG 2010 Temporal changes in programme outcomes among adult patients initiating antiretroviral therapy across South Africa, 2002–2007. AIDS 24 2263 2270
33. BrinkhofMWDabisFMyerLBangsbergDRBoulleA 2008 Early loss of HIV-infected patients on potent antiretroviral therapy programmes in lower-income countries. Bull World Health Organ 86 559 567
34. EstillJAubriereCEggerMJohnsonLWoodR 2012 Viral load monitoring of antiretroviral therapy, cohort viral load and HIV transmission in Southern Africa: a mathematical modelling analysis. AIDS E-pub ahead of print. doi:10.1097/QAD.0b013e3283536988
35. PhillipsANPillayDMinersAHBennettDEGilksCF 2008 Outcomes from monitoring of patients on antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings with viral load, CD4 cell count, or clinical observation alone: a computer simulation model. Lancet 371 1443 1451 doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(08)60624-8
36. WalenskyRPWoodRCiaranelloALPaltielADLorenzanaSB 2010 Scaling up the 2010 World Health Organization HIV treatment guidelines in resource-limited settings: a model-based analysis. PLoS Med 7 e1000382 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000382
37. PhillipsANPillayDGarnettGBennettDVitoriaM 2011 Effect on transmission of HIV-1 resistance of timing of implementation of viral load monitoring to determine switches from first to second line antiretroviral regimens in resource-limited settings. AIDS 25 843 850
38. MontanerJSLimaVDBarriosRYipBWoodE 2010 Association of highly active antiretroviral therapy coverage, population viral load, and yearly new HIV diagnoses in British Columbia, Canada: a population-based study. Lancet 376 532 539
39. HollingsworthTDAndersonRMFraserC 2008 HIV-1 transmission, by stage of infection. J Infect Dis 198 687 693
40. PowersKAGhaniACMillerWCHoffmanIFPettiforAE 2011 The role of acute and early HIV infection in the spread of HIV and implications for transmission prevention strategies in Lilongwe, Malawi: a modelling study. Lancet 378 256 268
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44. SweatMGregorichSSangiwaGFurlongeCBalmerD 2000 Cost-effectiveness of voluntary HIV-1 counselling and testing in reducing sexual transmission of HIV-1 in Kenya and Tanzania. Lancet 356 113 121
45. AllenSSerufiliraABogaertsJVan de PerrePNsengumuremyiF 1992 Confidential HIV testing and condom promotion in Africa. Impact on HIV and gonorrhea rates. JAMA 268 3338 3343
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48. ReschSKorenrompEStoverJBlakleyMKrubinerC 2011 Economic returns to investment in AIDS treatment in low and middle income countries. PLoS ONE 6 e25310 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0025310
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51. CohenMSMuessigKESmithMKPowersKKashubaAD 2012 Antiviral agents and HIV prevention: controversies, conflicts and consensus. AIDS 12 E-pub ahead of print. doi:10.1097/QAD.0b013e3283543e83
52. GranichRGuptaSSutharABSmythCHoosD 2011 Antiretroviral therapy in prevention of HIV and TB: update on current research efforts. Curr HIV Res 9 446 469
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54. EatonJWHallettTBGarnettGP 2011 Concurrent sexual partnerships and primary HIV infection: a critical interaction. AIDS Behav 15 687 692
55. GoodreauSMCasselsSKasprzykDMontanoDEGreekA 2012 Concurrent partnerships, acute infection and HIV epidemic dynamics among young adults in Zimbabwe. AIDS Behav 16 312 322
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59. World Health Organization 2012 April Guidance on couples HIV testing and counseling including antiretroviral therapy for treatment and prevention in serodiscordant couples Geneva World Health Organization
60. World Health Organization 2011 WHO consultation on the strategic use of antiretrovirals for treatment and prevention of HIV Geneva World Health Organization
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