Clonal Evolutionary Analysis during HER2 Blockade in HER2-Positive Inflammatory Breast Cancer: A Phase II Open-Label Clinical Trial of Afatinib +/- Vinorelbine
In a phase 2 clinical trial in which patients received afatinib, plus vinorelbine on disease progression, Charles Swanton and colleagues study the mutational events in HER2-positive inflammatory breast cancers alongside early-stage clinical outcomes.
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Clonal Evolutionary Analysis during HER2 Blockade in HER2-Positive Inflammatory Breast Cancer: A Phase II Open-Label Clinical Trial of Afatinib +/- Vinorelbine. PLoS Med 13(12): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002136
Research Article
In a phase 2 clinical trial in which patients received afatinib, plus vinorelbine on disease progression, Charles Swanton and colleagues study the mutational events in HER2-positive inflammatory breast cancers alongside early-stage clinical outcomes.
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