Trans-Pacific Partnership Provisions in Intellectual Property, Transparency, and Investment Chapters Threaten Access to Medicines in the US and Elsewhere
Brook Baker describes the potential harms to global health from the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and its failure to balance the interests of patients and the public with those of industry.
Vyšlo v časopise:
Trans-Pacific Partnership Provisions in Intellectual Property, Transparency, and Investment Chapters Threaten Access to Medicines in the US and Elsewhere. PLoS Med 13(3): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001970
Brook Baker describes the potential harms to global health from the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement and its failure to balance the interests of patients and the public with those of industry.
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21. Baker B, Geddes K. Corporate Power Unbound: Investor-State Arbitration of IP Monopolies on Medicines–Eli Lilly v. Canada and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. J Intel Prop L. 2016; 23: in press.
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