Year 2020 in review – Anaesthesia
J. Klučka 1; J. Bláha 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika dětské anesteziologie a resuscitace, Fakultní nemocnice Brno a Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy Univerzity v Brně
1; Klinika anesteziologie, resuscitace a intenzivní medicíny, 1. lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy a Všeobecná fakultní, nemocnice v Praze
Published in:
Anest. intenziv. Med., 31, 2020, č. 6, s. 277-281
Review Articles
The year 2020 was significantly influenced by the world SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. In the area of science and research, one of the consequences of the pandemic was the COVID-19 publication boom. Although the COVID-19 disease remains to be significant worldwide healthcare and also an economic issue, it could not be considered as the only topic in clinical anaesthesiology practice. The Top anaesthesiology publications in 2020 aimed to summarise and highlight the key publication in the field of anaesthesiology and also to point out the articles that the anesthesiologist should be familiar with in their daily clinical practice.
anaesthesiology – publication – 2020
1. Pearse RM, Moreno RP, Bauer P, Pelosi P, Metnitz P, Spies C, et al; European Surgical Outcomes Study (EuSOS) group for the Trials groups of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and the European Society of Anaesthesiology. Mortality after surgery in Europe: a 7 day cohort study. Lancet 2012 Sep 22; 380(9847): 1059–1065. doi: 10.1016/ S0140-6736(12)61148-9.
2. Luo X, Liu B, Li F, Zheng S, Li Y, Yang L, et al. The relationship between anesthetic technique and thirty‑day mortality in patients undergoing noncardiac- and nonneurosurgery: A retrospective, propensity score‑matched cohort study. Int J Surg. 2020 May; 77: 120– 127. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2020. 03. 043. Epub 2020 Mar 29.
3. Morgan L, McKeever TM, Nightingale J, Deakin DE, Moppett IK. Spinal or general anaesthesia for surgical repair of hip fracture and subsequent risk of mortality and morbidity: a database analysis using propensity score‑matching. Anaesthesia 2020 Sep; 75(9): 1173–1179. doi: 10.1111/anae.15042. Epub 2020 Apr 26.
4. Wu J, Yin Y, Jin M, Li B. The risk factors for postoperative delirium in adult patients after hip fracture surgery: a systematic review and meta‑analysis. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2020 Aug 24. doi: 10.1002/gps.5408. Epub ahead of print.
5. Chen DX, Yang L, Ding L, Li SY, Qi YN, Li Q. Perioperative outcomes in geriatric patients undergoing hip fracture surgery with different anesthesia techniques: A systema tic review and meta‑analysis. Medicine (Baltimore) 2019 Dec; 98(49): e18220. doi: 10.1097/ MD.0000000000018220.
6. Lee JJ, Choi GJ, Kang H, Baek CW, Jung YH, Shin HY, et al. Relationship between Surgery under General Anesthesia and the Development of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta‑Analysis. Biomed Res Int. 2020 Apr 2; 2020: 3234013. doi: 10.1155/2020/3234013.
7. Carli D, Meletti JFA, Neto NEU, Martinez G, Kim ALC, de Camargo RPS. General anesthesia technique and perception of quality of postoperative recovery in women undergoing cholecystectomy: A randomized, double‑blinded clinical trial. PLoS One 2020 Feb 27; 15(2): e0228805. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228805.
8. Bonanni A, Signori A, Alicino C, Mannucci I, Grasso MA, Martinelli L, et al. Volatile Anesthetics versus Propofol for Cardiac Surgery with Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Meta‑analysis of Randomized Trials. Anesthesiology 2020 Jun; 132(6): 1429–1446. doi: 10.1097/ ALN.0000000000003236.
9. Sessler DI, Pei L, Huang Y, Fleischmann E, Marhofer P, Kurz A, et al; Breast Cancer Recurrence Collaboration. Recurrence of breast cancer after regional or general anaesthesia: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2019 Nov 16; 394(10211): 1807–1815. doi: 10.1016/ S0140-6736(19)32313-X. Epub 2019 Oct 20
10. Lai HC, Lee MS, Lin KT, Chan SM, Chen JY, Lin YT, et al. Propofol‑based total intravenous anesthesia is associated with better survival than desflurane anesthesia in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma surgery. Medicine (Baltimore) 2019 Dec; 98(51): e18472. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000018472.
11. Ang E, Ng KT, Lee ZX, Ti LK, Chaw SH, Wang CY. Effect of regional anaesthesia only versus general anaesthesia on cancer recurrence rate: A systematic review and meta‑analysis with trial sequential analysis. J Clin Anesth. 2020 Aug 14; 67: 110023. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinane. 2020.110023. Epub ahead of print.
12. Kristiansson J, Hagberg E, Nellgård B. The influence of time‑to‑surgery on mortality after a hip fracture. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2020 Mar; 64(3): 347–353. doi: 10.1111/aas.13494.
13. Practice Advisory for the Perioperative Management of Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter–Defibrillators 2020: An Updated Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Perioperative Management of Patients with Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices. Anesthesiology 2020; 132: 225–252 doi:
14. Green SM, Leroy PL, Roback MG, Irwin MG, Andolfatto G, Babl FE, et al; International Committee for the Advancement of Procedural Sedation. An international multidisciplinary consensus statement on fasting before procedural sedation in adults and children. Anaesthesia 2020 Mar; 75(3): 374–385. doi: 10.1111/anae.
15. Practice Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting and the Use of Pharmacologic Agents to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration: Application to Healthy Patients Undergoing Elective Procedures: An Updated Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Preoperative Fasting and the Use of Pharmacologic Agents to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration. Anesthesiology 2017 Mar; 126(3): 376–393. doi: 10.1097/ ALN.0000000000001452.
16. Zdravkovic M, Berger‑Estilita J, Sorbello M, Hagberg CA. An international survey about rapid sequence intubation of 10,003 anaesthetists and 16 airway experts. Anaesthesia 2020 Mar; 75(3): 313–322. doi: 10.1111/anae.14867.
17. Klucka J, Kosinova M, Zacharowski K, De Hert S, Kratochvil M, Toukalkova M, et al. Rapid sequence induction: An international survey. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2020 Jun; 37(6): 435– 442. doi: 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001194.
18. Cabrini L, Baiardo Redaelli M, Filippini M, Fominskiy E, Pasin L, Pintaudi M, et al. Tracheal intubation in patients at risk for cervical spinal cord injury: A systematic review. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2020 Apr; 64(4): 443–454. doi: 10.1111/aas.13532.
19. Černý V, Chrobok V, Klučka J, Křikava I, Michálek P, Otáhal M, et al. Doporučený postup 2. Zajištění obtížných dýchacích cest u dospělých a dětí. 2019. Retrieved September 24, 2020. Dostupné z: airways_final_s_prilohy_180619-2.pdf.
20. Ahmad I, El‑Boghdadly K, Bhagrath R, Hodzovic I, McNarry AF, Mir F, et al. Difficult Airway Society guidelines for awake tracheal intubation (ATI) in adults. Anaesthesia 2020 Apr; 75(4): 509–528. doi: 10.1111/anae.14904.
21. White LD, Thang C, Hodsdon A, Melhuish TM, Barron FA, Godsall MG, et al. Comparison of Supraglottic Airway Devices With Endotracheal Intubation in Low‑Risk Patients for Cesarean Delivery: Systematic Review and Meta‑analysis. Anesth Analg. 2020 Oct; 131(4): 1092–1101. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000004618.
22. Deng C, Bellomo R, Myles P. Systematic review and meta‑analysis of the perioperative use of vasoactive drugs on postoperative outcomes after major abdominal surgery. Br J Anaesth. 2020 May; 124(5): 513–524. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2020. 01. 021.
23. Nicklas JY, Diener O, Leistenschneider M, Sellhorn C, Schön G, Winkler M, et al. Personalised haemodynamic management targeting baseline cardiac index in high‑risk patients undergoing major abdominal surgery: a randomised single‑ centre clinical trial. Br J Anaesth. 2020 Aug; 125(2): 122–132. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2020. 04. 094.
24. Saugel B, Hoppe P, Nicklas JY, Kouz K, Körner A, Hempel JC, et al. Continuous noninvasive pulse wave analysis using finger cuff technologies for arterial blood pressure and cardiac output monitoring in perioperative and intensive care medicine: a systematic review and meta‑analysis. Br J Anaesth. 2020 Jul; 125(1): 25–37. doi: 10.1016/j. bja.2020. 03. 013.
25. Deng QW, Tan WC, Zhao BC, Wen SH, Shen JT, Xu M. Intraoperative ventilation strategies to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications: a network meta‑analysis of randomised controlled trials. Br J Anaesth. 2020 Mar; 124(3): 324–335. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2019. 10. 024.
26. Kuriyama A, Nakanishi M, Kamei J, Sun R, Ninomiya K, Hino M. Topical application of ketamine to prevent postoperative sore throat in adults: A systematic review and meta‑analysis. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2020 May; 64(5): 579–591. doi: 10.1111/aas.13553.
27. Yang SS, Wang NN, Postonogova T, Yang GJ, McGillion M, Beique F, et al. Intravenous lidocaine to prevent postoperative airway complications in adults: a systematic review and meta‑analysis. Br J Anaesth. 2020 Mar; 124(3): 314–323. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2019. 11. 033.
28. Gan TJ, Belani KG, Bergese S, Chung F, Diemunsch P, Habib AS, et al. Fourth Consensus Guidelines for the Management of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting. Anesth Analg. 2020 Aug; 131(2): 411–448. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000004833.
29. Uppal V, Sondekoppam RV, Landau R, El‑Boghdadly K, Narouze S, Kalagara HKP. Neuraxial anaesthesia and peripheral nerve blocks during the COVID-19 pandemic: a literature review and practice recommendations. Anaesthesia 2020 Oct; 75(10): 1350–1363. doi: 10.1111/anae.15105.
30. Cook TM, El‑Boghdadly K, McGuire B, McNarry AF, Patel A, Higgs A. Consensus guidelines for managing the airway in patients with COVID-19: Guidelines from the Difficult Airway Society, the Association of Anaesthetists the Intensive Care Society, the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and the Royal College of Anaesthetists. Anaesthesia 2020 Jun; 75(6): 785–799. doi: 10.1111/anae.15054.
31. Matava CT, Kovatsis PG, Lee JK, Castro P, Denning S, Yu J, et al; PeDI‑Collaborative. Pediatric Airway Management in COVID-19 Patients: Consensus Guidelines From the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia’s Pediatric Difficult Intubation Collaborative and the Canadian Pediatric Anesthesia Society. Anesth Analg. 2020 Jul; 131(1): 61–73. doi: 10.1213/ ANE.0000000000004872.
32. Bláha J, Pařízek A, Štourač P, Seidlová D, Nosková P, Mannová J. Perioperační péče o pacientky podstupující císařský řez. Anest intenziv Med. 2020; 31(1–2): 51–52.
Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Inten Intensive Care MedicineArticle was published in
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

2020 Issue 6
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