Pitfalls of diet therapy in dyslipidemias

Authors: Věra Boháčová;  Tamara Starnovská
Authors‘ workplace: Fórum zdravé výživy, Sekce výživy a nutriční péče, z. s., Praha
Published in: AtheroRev 2020; 5(1): 37-41


An integral part of the expert guidelines for the treatment of dyslipidemias (and cardiovascular diseases in general) are regime measures. In particular the amount (and composition) of fats, the content of salt, sugar and fiber in the diet. However, these recommendations cannot be implemented without further contexts in food preparation. A misunderstanding of recommendations always leads to a logical conclusion of “noncompliance”, but in fact it is ignorance. Often the patient does not know how to incorporate the requirements into their diet. Therefore, the correct interpretation of recommendations with an overlap into practical implementation plays a crucial role. It is necessary to take into account a number of parameters, from the possibilities of the patient (financial, logistic) to his abilities (culinary literacy, skillfulness). Nutritional recommendations should therefore never serve as a basic education for a patient. They are a tool for nutritionists (nutritional therapists) who interpret them in the necessary individualized contexts and thus enable their successful implementation to patients.


Diet – dyslipidemia – guidelines – special diet

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Angiology Diabetology Internal medicine Cardiology General practitioner for adults

Article was published in

Athero Review

Issue 1

2020 Issue 1
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