New antiarrhythmic drugs in treatment of atrial fibrillation
M. Táborský; P. Neužil
Authors‘ workplace:
kardiologické oddělení, Nemocnice Na Homolce, Praha
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2006, 8(4): 193-197
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. AF causes a significant economical burden which has grown in the past decades and is expected to grow even further in the upcoming period with the increasing trend in AF prevalence and hospitalizations. Despite of success of advanced catheter ablation and surgical treatment of AF, pharmacological therapy stil remains the first-line approach in the treatment of AF. Nevertheless currently available antiarrhythmic drugs (AAD) are associated with a significant side effects including ventricular proarrhythmia. The goal is to develop more effective and safer AADs specifically targeting atrial tissue, especially for patiens with structural heart disease. This review is including selective multi-ion channel blockers and agents targeting the underlying pathophysiology, substrate alterations and inflammation. Additional new and safer pharmacological targets are likely to be identified as a part of complex treatment approach of this arrhythmia.
atrial fibrillation, antiarrhythmic drugs, pathophysiological mechanisms
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Cardiology Review

2006 Issue 4
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