The treatment of acute myocardial infarction by combination of prehospital administered tenecteplase and acute PCI
S. Janoušek 1; L. Groch 2; P. Urbánek 3; O. Hlinomaz 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Interní kardiologická klinika, FN Brno-Bohunice
1; I. interní kardioangiologická klinika FN u sv. Anny v Brně
2; ZZS Jihomoravského kraje
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2008, 10(2): 58-60
Prehospital administration of IV bolus tenecteplase followed by acute PCI was used in 20 patients with STEMI (of which 16 men and 4 women with average age of 63 years [42 – 74 years) attended by emergency ambulance service in the region of South Moravia. Front wall STEMI, inferior wall STEMI and inferolateral MI accounted for 10 (50 %), 8 (40 %) and 2 (10 %) of cases, respectively. Coronarography performed at admission showed a fully patent (TIMI flow III) ‘infarct’ artery in 12 patients (60 %), a partially patent (TIMI flow I or II) artery in 4 patients (20 %), and a non-patent (TIMI flow 0) artery in 4 patients (20 %). The affected vessel was fully patent (TIMI fl ow 3 = 100 %) after PCI in all patients. 2 patients (10 %) developed only a minimum lesion (aborted infartion). None of the patients developed major complications and no rethromboses (reocclusions), reinfarctions or serious hemorrhage were observed in any of the patients after the administration of TNK and acute coronarography which followed, including angioplasty, or during subsequent hospitalisation. The zero hospitalisation, 30-day and one-year mortality rates are very encouraging.
Key words
acute myocardial infarction – prehospital thrombolysis – coronary angioplasty – mortality – complications
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2008 Issue 2
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