Infectious endocarditis – diagnostics and guidelines
J. Přeček; M. Hutyra; J. Látal; F. Kováčik; M. Táborský
Authors‘ workplace:
I. interní klinika – kardiologická LF UP a FN Olomouc
Published in:
Kardiol Rev Int Med 2015, 17(4): 307-314
Cardiology Review
Despite the progress in diagnostics and treatment, infectious endocarditis continues to be a severe disease where the incidence is not decreasing. The nature of the disease in developed countries has been changing due to aging of the population, an increasing number of comorbidities and changing risk factors. The European Society of Cardiology has published new guidelines for the diagnostics and treatment of infectious endocarditis. These recommendations introduce changes regarding treatment organisation and diagnostic criteria for patients with infectious endocarditis. This article characterises infectious endocarditis in current conditions and discusses its diagnostics, therapy and prophylaxis. Infectious endocarditis in patients with intracardiac electronic devices is mentioned as a specific type of the disease.
infectious endocarditis – diagnostics – guidelines – cardiac device related infectious endocarditis
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Cardiology Review

2015 Issue 4
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