Determination of chlorides in serum by methods with ion-selective electrodes (ISE). Standardization without harmonization.
B. Friedecký 1; J. Kratochvíla 1
Authors‘ workplace:
ÚKBD LF a FN Hradec Králové
1; SEKK Pardubice
Published in:
Klin. Biochem. Metab., 30, 2022, No. 4, p. 101-104
Insufficient level of analytical quality of chloride determination in blood serum and plasma using routine ISE methods has been demonstrated by the external quality assessment (EQA), by assessment of bicarbonate interference, and longterm follow-up of patient results in approx. One hundred thirty laboratories in several countries. The principal issues are considerable differences between test kits and instruments of various producers. The cause is insufficient selectivity and signal stability of many commonly used chloride electrodes, leading to low diagnostic effectivity of measurement results. This can be demonstrated by extremely high reference change values (RCV). Paradoxically, for many years there was a functional reference system of chloride measurement and metrological traceability of routine methods calibration.
bias – Chlorides – Bicarbonates – external quality assurance – ISE
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Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolism

2022 Issue 4
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