Hormonal Contraceptives and Their Relationship to Breast Cancer

Authors: M. Habánová 1;  J. Švikruhová 1;  E. Sláviková 2
Authors place of work: Katedra výživy ľudí, Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre, Slovenská Republika 1;  Medicinske centrum, Nitra, Slovenská Republika 2
Published in the journal: Klin Onkol 2010; 23(6): 428-432
Category: Original Articles


The incidence of breast cancer diseases is continuously increasing. Hormonal factors like menarche, menopause and hormone replacement therapy are contributing to breast cancer cases.

Patients and Methods:
Within the retrospective study we monitored one hundred patients between 28 and 79 years old, selected randomly with positive anamnesis of malignant breast cancer. Based on an analysis of their health records, we tried to identify the effect of the risk of hormonal therapy on breast cancer occurrence. The age of patients at which the disease was diagnosed and the length of hormonal treatment were monitored as well.

Of the one hundred randomly selected patients diagnosed with breast cancer, the majority with positive anamnesis of breast cancer were between 40 and 59 years old. 69 of them have never used any hormonal treatment. The average age of cancer detection in the focused group was 53.38 years old. It was discovered that hormonal contraceptives (HC) and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) decreases the age when breast cancer was first diagnosed. The average age of patients with breast cancer who used HC (n = 16) was 51.80 years old and the average age of patients who used HRT (n = 15) was 51.25 years old.

Although the age at which patients are diagnosed with breast cancer (being treated with HC and HRT) is lower than the age at which patients were positively diagnosed without using any hormonal treatment, the difference is statistically insignificant.

Key words:
breast neoplasms –  contraception –  hormone replacement therapy –  risk factors


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