Onkologie v obrazech
Pacient s recidivujícím melanomem na pravé tváři
I. Kocák
Published in:
Klin Onkol 2013; 26(6): 448
Oncology in Images
Paediatric clinical oncology Surgery Clinical oncologyArticle was published in
Clinical Oncology

2013 Issue 6
- Metamizole at a Glance and in Practice – Effective Non-Opioid Analgesic for All Ages
- Metamizole vs. Tramadol in Postoperative Analgesia
- Current Insights into the Antispasmodic and Analgesic Effects of Metamizole on the Gastrointestinal Tract
- Metamizole in perioperative treatment in children under 14 years – results of a questionnaire survey from practice
- Possibilities of Using Metamizole in the Treatment of Acute Primary Headaches
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