Occurrence of two histopathologically different malignancies

Authors: J. Tokarčík 1;  D. Slížová 2;  I. Andrašina 3;  D. Šafčák 3;  M. Rudnay 4;  K. Demková 1
Authors place of work: IV. interná klinika LF UPJŠ a UN L. Pasteura V Košiciach 1;  Ústav anatómie, LF UK v Hradci Králové 2;  Klinika rádioterapie a onkológie, VOÚ v Košiciach 3;  Oddelenie rádiodia gnostiky a zobrazovacích metód, UN L. Pasteura a LF UPJŠ v Košiciach 4
Published in the journal: Klin Onkol 2021; 34(2): 147-150
Category: Case Report
doi: https://doi.org/10.48095/ccko2021147


Background: Synchronous primary malignancies are defined as two or more malignancies without finding a subordinate relationship in different organs of the patient. Reports of patients with primary malignancies with hepatocellular carcinoma are rare. Case: We describe the course of the disease in a 71-year-old patient with a synchronous occurrence of two histopathologically different malignancies. Conclusion: Consistent screening can detect individual tumors early. Understanding the clinicopathological properties and prognostic factors in synchronous malignancies is important to facilitate the treatment.


hepatocellular carcinoma – synchronous malignancies – prostatic carcinoma – sorafenib


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