Planned out-of-hospital birth – neonatologist's perspective

Authors: A. Staníková
Authors‘ workplace: Neonatologické oddělení, FN Brno
Published in: Čes-slov Neonat 2022; 28 (2): 121-125.
Category: Reviews


Most deliveries are spontaneous in their onset, low risk at the start of labor and remain so throughout labor and delivery. However, complications can occur even whit a physiologically ongoing birth. Therefore, it is essential, that an educated and properly reacting person (midwife, physician) is present at every birth. The goal of obstetrics remains above all the safe delivery of a healthy newborn without endangering the health of the woman, but at the same time respecting the mother’s autonomy, her wishes and needs. The issue of alternative, and especially planned home births, resonates in the Czech society and affects both obstetricians and neonatologists. The article deals with the topic from a historical perspective, maps the current situation in the Czech Republic in comparison with other countries and outlines the necessity of setting rules for the safe home deliveries.


planned out-of-hospital birth – unplanned out-of-hospital birth – perinatal emergencies – fetal-to-neonatal maladaptation – neonatal mortality and morbidity


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