Combined Microsurgical and Endovascular Therapy of Intramedular Hemangioblastoma: a Case Report
V. Přibáň 1; J. Fiedler 1; P. Řehoušek 1; L. Štěrba 2; H. Štěpánková 3; A. Křepelová 4
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurochirurgické oddělení
1; Radiodiagnostické oddělení
2; genetické oddělení Nemocnice České Budějovice
3; Ústav biologie a lékařské genetiky, FN Praha-Motol
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2007; 70/103(5): 580-583
Case Report
Authors present a case report of sporadic intramedullary hemangioblastoma with right C8 radicular symptomatology and mild spasticity of lower extremities. MRI preoperative diagnosis was: cervical spinal cord hemangioblastoma. There was visible „vascular rete“ on dorsal surface of spinal cord during the operation. Because of suspicion of arteriovenous malformation the operation has been stopped and spinal angiography was subsequently performed. Diagnosis of hemangioblastoma with dilated draining veins was proved. Two feeding arteries were embolized and subsequently after 24 hours tumour was radically removed. Patient is now without neurological deficit. Postoperative MRI showed no residual tumour, syrinx disappeared. Preoperative endovascular tumour embolization reduced risk of bleeding during the operation. In certain cases can embolization of feeding arteries help to improvement of operative result of sporadic spinal cord hemangioblastoma.
Key words:
Spinal cord hemangioblastoma – sporadic – von Hippel-Lindau disease – endovascular embolization
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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery NeurologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

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