Sor­rorigens Wounds, Their Identification and Treatment Proces­s

Authors: A. Pokorná 1;  S. Saibertová 1;  R. Velichová 2;  S.vasmanská 1
Authors‘ workplace: Katedra ošetřovatelství, LF MU, Brno 1;  Institut biostatistiky a analýz, LF MU, Brno 2
Published in: Cesk Slov Neurol N 2016; 79/112(Supplementum1): 31-36
Category: Original Paper
doi: https://doi.org/10.14735/amcsnn2016S31


The aim of this study was to analyse the incidence of iatrogenic and sor rorigenic wounds in patients hospitalised at intensive care units.

Material and methods:
A 4-month multicentric observational descriptive study. Statistical analyses were performed us ing IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version In total, eight units in six diff erent university and regional hospitals in South Moravia and Vysocina regions were involved (six anaesthesiology and resuscitation units and two intensive care units). The study involved all patients hospitalised dur ing a four-month period at the participat ing units.

A sor rorigenic wound was identified in 129 of 767 hospitalized patients (46.5% female and 53.5% male). The mean age of patients was 64.1 years (SD 15.5). In total, 169 wounds were observed, the majority of which occured dur ing hospitalisation at a participating unit (62.1%) and were identified by nurses (98.8%). The majority of patients had just one wound (78.3%). Pres sure sores were the most frequent (34.9%), fol lowed by excoriations (23.1%) and incontinence-as sociated dermatitis (12.4%). Extensive bruis ing (3.0%) and burns (1.8%) were the least frequent. The wounds were documented (96.4%), includ ing photography (79.3%) but only in 30.8% as an adverse event.

Iatrogenic and sor rorigenic wounds increase cost of care, prolong hospitalisation even though they are mostly preventable. We verified statistical diff erences in preventive strategies before and after a wound dia gnosis (p = 0.012) as well as associations between the main cause of a wound and its type (p < 0.05; except the inappropriate intervention category). We confi rmed the importance of preventive actions.

Key words:
iatrogenic – sorrorigenic – wound – intensive care – nursing – prevention

The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.

The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers.


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Paediatric neurology Neurosurgery Neurology

Article was published in

Czech and Slovak Neurology and Neurosurgery

Issue Supplementum1

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