Cyst of Choroid - Laser Therapy
Cysty cievovky - liečba laserom
Autor podáva prehľad o klasifikácii cýst cievovky. Referuje o prípade idiopatickejseróznej cysty dúhovky u mladého muža. Cysta spôsobovala poruchu zraku tla-kom na prednú kapsulu šošovky. Úspešným terapeutickým postupom bola foto-koagulácia laserom. Po šiestich rokoch sledovania nedošlo k recidíve ochorenia.
Klíčová slova:
cysty dúhovky, cysty riasnatého telesa, cysty cievovky, liečba cýstcievovky, fotokoagulácia laserom
P. Gavornik
Authors‘ workplace:
Očné oddelenie FNsP, Trnava, primár MUDr. P. Gavorník
Published in:
Čes. a slov. Oftal., , 2000, No. 1, p. 56-59
The autor presents the survey of cysts of choroid classification. He covers a caseof serous cyst of iris of a young man. The cyst caused the vision disorder becauseof pressure on the front capsule of lens. The successfull therapeutical method wasa laser photocoagulation. There was not find any reccurent disease during the sixyears of monitoring.
Key words:
cysts of iris, cysts of ciliary body, cysts of choroid, therapy of cysts ofchoroid, laser photocoagulation
OphthalmologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Ophthalmology
2000 Issue 1
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