Experiments with the Cultivation of Hypericum perforatum L. in Bratislava
V maloparcelových pokusoch sa pestoval ľubovník bodkovaný (Hypericum perforatum L. var.angustifolium DC) na ľahkej pôde a na slnečnej lokalite v Bratislave. V 1. roku vegetácie sa vňaťnezbierala. Zber sa robil v 2. a 3. roku vegetácie, neskôr rastliny vyhynuli. V priebehu vegetačnéhoroka bolo možné urobiť spravidla tri zbery, pričom I. zber sa robil tesne pred kvetom alebo vo fázenástupu kvitnutia a zostrihali sa len zakvitnuté vrcholové časti. Úroda suchej vňate kolísalav závislosti od vegetačného roka, podmienok stanovišťa, veku rastlín a termínu I. zberu. Z dvojroč-ného porastu sa získala celoročná úroda 8,12–14,87 kg.10 m -2 a z trojročného porastu okolo 8 kg. 10 m -2 suchej vňate. Obsah hypericínu v získanej droge Hyperici herba kolísal od 0,06 do 0,13%a 60 % etanolom sa extrahovalo 21,7 –27,9 % látok.
Klíčová slova:
Hypericum perforatum L. – pestovanie – hypericín – extraktívne látky
D. Tekeľová; M. Mrlianová
Authors‘ workplace:
Katedra farmakognózie a botaniky Farmaceutickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského, Bratislava
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2001; , 294-298
Experiments in small plots were performed to cultivate Hypericum perforatum L. var. angustifoliumDC on light soil and at a sunny location in Bratislava. In the 1 st year of vegetation the herb was notharvested. Harvests were made in the 2 nd and 3 rd years of vegetation and later plants died. In thecourse of the vegetation year it was possible to carry out three harvests on the rule. The 1 st one wasmade just prior to blooming or at the stage of the onset of blooming, and only the blooming top partswere collected. The yield of the dry tops varied in dependence on the vegetation year, conditions ofthe location, age of the plants, and the date of the 1 st harvest. From the two-years old plants,a whole-year yield of 8.12–14.87 kg.10 m –2 of dry tops and from the three-years old plants, 8 kg. 10 m –2 , was obtained. The content of hypericin varied from 0.06 to 0.13 %, and 60% ethanolextracted 21.7–27,9 % of substances.
Key words:
Hypericum perforatum L. – cultivation – hypericin – extractive substances
Pharmacy Clinical pharmacologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy
2001 Issue 6
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- Experiments with the Cultivation of Hypericum perforatum L. in Bratislava