Influence of excipients on caffeine permeation from gels

Authors: Alexandra Kodadová;  Zuzana Vitková;  Petra Herdová;  Jozef Čižmárik;  Monika Zsidová
Authors‘ workplace: Farmaceutická fakulta UK Bratislava ;  Katedra galenickej farmácie
Published in: Čes. slov. Farm., 2014; 63, 267-271
Category: Original Articles


The subject of this paper is a study of the influence of excipients on caffeine permeation from dermal semisolids drugs. Due to its advantageous properties, caffeine can be successfully used in dermal hydrogels. The choice of excipients from the group of humectants and cationic surfactants also plays an important role. The excipients should ensure long-term stability of hydrogels and the best permeation of the drug from gels. In particular, the influence of various excipients on caffeine permeation from gels and at the same time their influence on rheological properties of hydrogels were investigated. Based on the obtained results, the following optimal composition of caffeine gel was determined: 2.5 % chitosan + 0.1 % caffeine + 10 % propylenglycol + 0.1 % benzyldimethylhexadecylammonium chloride.

caffeine hydrogels permeation rheological parameters


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