Simplicia and medical containers from the Jesuit pharmacy in Telč

Authors: Anna Hamrlová
Published in the journal: Čes. slov. Farm., 2017; 66, 168-176
Category: History of Pharmacy


The Jesuit pharmacy in Telč was founded after 1657 within the premises of the Jesuit cloister; it survived the dissolution of Jesuits in 1773 and thanks to its purchase by the last pharmacist Ignac Lyro it was relocated to one of the houses in the square. During the stocktaking of the property and its sale, a detailed inventory of pharmacy equipment was recorded, including cabinets, laboratory tools, ingredients or drugs. The inventory is divided into parts of ingredients and prepared medications, the last lists recording the tools and containers for its preparation, production and preservation. The ingredients contain various parts of plants, minerals, precious stones or even parts of animals. The list is written mainly in the alphabetical order, in some cases with specified types of groups. Every item is provided with information about its price and quantity. Many ingredients originated from overseas countries, the areas of Jesuit missionary activities. Of the former rich equipment, only three pharmacy cabinets and a few containers, mainly veneer boxes and ceramic drug jars, have survived. All these parts together with the inventory give us a comparatively clear notion about the equipment and even facilities of the Jesuit apothecary in Telč, which sold items from different parts of the world. The Jesuit convent seems to be an important centre for town inhabitants not only in the 18th century; its legacy has remained in the local pharmacy till today.

Key words:
pharmacy • Societas Jesus • 18th century • medications • medical containers


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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacology
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