Henisch’s translation of pharmaceutical works

Authors: František Šimon
Published in the journal: Čes. slov. Farm., 2019; 68, 237-242
Category: History of Pharmacy


Bardejov-born Georg Henisch (1549–1618) translated four pharmaceutical texts from Latin into German, three works by the French author A. Mizauld and one by Sextus Placitus, an author of the late Classical Period. The Latin texts had been published several times before Henisch translated them, but his translation enables us to identify the original which he used. Henisch’s German versions were also issued several times in the identical form during his lifetime. All of them were published in quick succession in the years 1574–1575. Apart from these translations, Henisch also produced other works in that period, despite being just 25 years old in 1574 and still a student of medicine in Basle. All four works have a similar theme: unusual curative substances which could be easily procured from plants, metals and animals. They were intended for the general public, belonging in the genre of Kräuterbücher, herbal books, but they do not represent the typical form of this genre, for example not containing any illustrations. In his translations Henisch does not adhere strictly to the original texts, leaving out some smaller parts, translating freely and adapting his version to suit his German readers.


Georg Henisch – Antonio Mizauld – Sextus Placitus – pharmacy in the 16Ò th century – herbal books


1. Spring S. Georg Henisch 1549–1818. Arzt, Mathematiker, Gräzist, Professor am Gymnasium bei St. Anna in Augsburg. In: Bellot J. Lebensbilder aus dem Bayerischen Schwaben. Band 13. Weißenhorn: Konrad 1986; 90–117.

2. Franck J. Henisch, Georg. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie 11 (1880), 750–751 [Online-Version]. URL: https://www.deutsche-biographie.de/pnd116702052.html#adbcontent

3. Henisz J. E. German Renaissance Man: Georg Henisch (1549–1616) and his times. Createspace, NC. 2015.

4. Henisch G. Oratio de modo nutritionis in corpore humano. Lipsiae: sine typographo 1572.

5. Henisch G. Themata medica de phrenitide. Basileae: Daniel et Leonardus Ostenii 1576.

6. Šimon F. Henischove dizertačné tézy o frenitíde. In: Rebus Linguae Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského (v tlači).

7. Henisch G. Enchiridion medicinae: medicamentorum tam simplicium quam compositorum. Basileae: Perna 1573.

8. Šimon F. Enchiridion medicinae Juraja Henischa (1549–1618). Čes. slov. Farm. 2018, 67(2), 32–44.

9. Mizauld A. Neünhundert Gedächtnußwürdige Geheimnuß vnnd Wunderwerck/Von mancherley Kreütern/Metallen/Thieren/Vögeln vnd andern natürlichen Künsten vnd Historien. Basel: Perna 1574 (ďalej Neünhundert).

10. Mizauld A. Artztbüchlin/Neuwe vnd wunderbare weiß begreiffe(n)d/wie man allerhand frücht/garten kreuter/wurtzel/beer vnd trauben artznen soll, daß man dieselb zum purgieren möge brauchen. Basel: Perna 1574 (ďalej Artztbüchlin).

11. Mizauld A. Artztgarten. Von Kreutern so in den Gärten gemeinlich wachsen/vnnd wie man durch dieselbigen allerhand kranckheiten vnd gebrächen leichtlich heilen sol. Perna 1575 (ďalej Artztgarten).

12. Artzney-Buch Sexti Platonici Philosophi von Vöglen, wilden und zamen Thieren: wie man dieselb in der Artzney für allerhandt Kranckheiten brauchen soll. Basel: Perna 1574 (ďalej Artzney-Buch).

13. Kräuterbücher. Dostupné na: https://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Kr%C3%A4uterb%C3%BCcher [7. 9. 2019].

14. Thorndike L. A history of magic and experimental science VI. New York: Columbia University Press 1941; 215.

15. Dictionaire des sciences médicales: Biographie médicale. Tome VI. Antoine-Jacques-Louis Jourdan (ed.) Paris: C. L. F. Panckoucke 1824; 277.

16. Henisch G. Tabulae institutionum astronomicarum. Augustae Vindelicorum: Michael Manger 1575.

17. Šimon F. Henisch György Párizsban. Orvostörténeti Közlemények Communicationes de historia artis medicinae 2018; 242–245, 103–108.

18. Mizauld A. Memorabilium, utilium ac iucundorum centuriae novem. Lutetiae: apud Federicum Morelum 1566.

19. Dostupné na: https://bildsuche.digitale-sammlungen.de/index. html?c=viewer&bandnummer=bsb00015789&pimage=5&v= 2p&nav=&l=en [8. 9. 2019]

20. Strabon to spomína na dvoch miestach (Geographica III,3,7 a XVI 1,20), Herodotos (Historiae I,197) pripisuje tento zvyk Asýrčanom.

21. Galenos. De simplicium medicamentorum temperamentis ac facultatibus liber X, 9. Opera omnia C. G. Kühn (ed.) XII, 1826; 270–271.

22. Gesner C. Thesaurus Euonymi philiatri: De remediis secretis. Tiguri: apud A. Geßner 1552; 40.

23. Sexti Placiti P. De medicamentis ex animalibus libellus. Norimbergæ: Apud Joh. Petreium 1538.

24. Touwaide A. Placitus Papyriensis. In: Cancik H., Schneider H. (eds.) Brill’s New Pauly, Antiquity, 11, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2007; 313–314.

25. Medicae artis principes, post Hippocratem et Galenum. Stephanus H. (ed.). Ženeva: Stephanus 1567; 684–697.

26. Humanistes du Bassin des Carpathes III. Humanistes du Royaume de Hongrie. Ekler P., Kiss F. G., Monok I. (eds.). Turnhout: Brepols 2017; 320–324.

27. Mizauld A. Nova et mira artificia comparandorum fructuum, olerum, radicum, uvarum, & aliorum hortensium. Lutetiae: apud Federicum Morelum 1564.

28. Mizauld A. Artificiosa Methodus comparandorum Hortensium Fructuum, olerum, radicum, vuarum, vinorum, carnium et jusculorum, quae corpus clementer purgent. Lutetiae: Frederic Morel 1575.

29. Matúš 22,14, miesto u Arnolda z Villanovy som nenašiel.

30. Mizauld A. Alexikepus, seu auxiliaris hortus, extemporanea morborum remedia ex singulorum viridariis facile comparanda. Lutetiae: Frederic Morel 1565.

31. Dostupné na: https://books.google.sk/books?id=aO9UAAAAcAAJ &printsec=frontcover&hl=sk&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false [8. 9. 2019].

32. van der Eijk P. J. Diokles of Caristus: A Collection of the Fragments with Translation and Commentary I–II. Leiden: Brill 2000–2001, fragment 183a.

33. Latacz J. Nestor (3). In: Cancik H., Schneider H. (eds.) Brill’s New Pauly, Antiquity, 9, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2006; 683.

34. Satira 2, 8, Juvenalis však nehovorí o lekárňach, ale o nemravníkoch.

35. von Staden H. The Art of Medicine in Early Alexandria. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1989; Fragment 248b, 417.

36. Plethonis G. G. De Platonicae atque Aristotelicae philosophiae differentia libellus. Basileae: per Petrum Pernam 1574.

37. Poemata Hesiodi Ascraei, quae extant omnia: graecè, cum interpretatione latina. Henisch G. (ed.) Basileae: Oporinus 1574.

38. Wackernagel H. G. Die Matrikel der Universität Basel. Band 2, 1532/33 – 1600. Basel: Verlag der Universitätsbibliothek 1951; 223.

Pharmacy Clinical pharmacology
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