Implant Design
L. Dzan
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddělení ústní, čelistní a obličejové chirurgie KN Liberec, a. s.
Published in:
Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník 109, 2009, 2, s. 21-25
Comprehensive Report
The long-term success of dental implants depend on a number of factors such as a design of implant and method of insertion. Key factors that influence the design must be in concert with anatomy, physiology and biomaterials. The implant design has a great influence on initial stability and subsequent function. The main design parameters are: implant length, implant diameter, implant shape and surface characteristic.
Key words:
implant design - titanium - surface topography - implant shape
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Maxillofacial surgery Orthodontics Dental medicineArticle was published in
Czech Dental Journal

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