Výchova k zubnímu zdraví na základních školách
Desátý ročník výukového programu ZDRAVÉ ZUBY
(Souborný referát)
I. Lekešová
Authors‘ workplace:
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy, Praha
Published in:
Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník 110, 2010, 1, s. 14-17
The HEALTH TEETH Program is a complex global educational program for the care of dental health which has been executed at elementary schools for 10 years. All elementary schools in the Czech Republic received the educational HEALTH TEETH Program free of charge in 2000 for the first time. Since then all elementary school anally obtain working lists for the pupils making a total of 730,000 printed copies for 2010 to be sent to 3985 elementary schools. The HEALTH TEETH Program is classified in a standard education of the first to third year of general educational course or natural sciences course at elementary schools in the firth and fifth year. Every school has got the possibility of systematic and long-term time range influence on the attitude of children to dental health and to prepare them to accept the self-responsibility for their own health. In view of the fact that the need of stomatological examination in school children is still high (e.g. up to 62% of Prague children need dental care), the situation requires to be solved. One possibility to change the situation is to educate, inform and motivate the children as well as their parents to change their attitudes to dental health. The project is supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Ministry of Health the WHO Office in Prague and the Committee of the Czech Society for Child Stomatology is the professional guarant.
Key words:
The HEALTH TEETH Program – the need of dental care in children – motivation of children and parents for dental health
Maxillofacial surgery Orthodontics Dental medicineArticle was published in
Czech Dental Journal

2010 Issue 1
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Výchova k zubnímu zdraví na základních školách
Desátý ročník výukového programu ZDRAVÉ ZUBY
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