Asymmetric Changes in Shape of Anterior Teeth - Dental Esthetics
P. Kowalski; M. Kamínek
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika zubního lékařství LF UP a FN, Olomouc
Published in:
Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník 113, 2013, 3, s. 32-40
Original Article – Analytical Study
Věnováno odb. as. MUDr. Magdaleně Koťové, Ph.D., k životnímu jubileu
Introduction, Aim:
The esthetic dentition is a substantial part contributing to the overall face esthetics. The shape of anterior teeth which are visible in a smile is an important aspect of the esthetic perception. The aim of the presented study was to determine the impact of the shape and size of particular anterior teeth on dental esthetics.
A photograph of a young woman‘s mouth 9×13 cm (base) with an attractive smile and regular dentition was modified in the software Adobe Photoshop CS5. With this software different varieties of the same smile were produced, involving only a one-sided adjustment of shape and size of crowns of upper central and lateral incisors and upper canines. One shape was selected for central incisor, lateral incisor and canine. There were prepared 23 photographs with asymmetrical changes. The photographs were evaluated by three groups of evaluators: dentists, orthodontists and laymen. Each evaluator filled in a questionnaire in which expressed his/her perceived level of attractiveness for each photograph by marking a point in a linear scale between „0 = least” and „5 = most attractive”. The distance from 0 to the mark was recorded and then expressed in per cents.
The average evaluation of the smile in all 25 photographs was 32% in case of dentists (SD 22), 42% in case of orthodontists (SD 27) and 50% in case of laymen (SD 28). The least esthetic shape evaluation was a square shape with a flat incisal edge of central incisors widened by 2 mm, by 1.5 mm and narrowed by 2 mm opposite to the initial. The most esthetic shape of central incisor is considered a harmonious shape with rounded angles. In case of lateral incisors the least esthetic shape was widened by 2 mm, narrowed by 2 mm. The most esthetic is shape of sharp mesial angle, rounded distal part, widened by 0.5 mm, by 1 mm and narrowed by 0.5 mm.
All evaluators considered the harmonious shape with rounded angles and the shape of sharp mesial angle, rounded distal part in the lateral incisor as a most esthetic. The shape of lateral incisors widened by 0.5 mm or by 1 mm is considered esthetic. The shape widened by 2 mm was considered as an unaesthetic. When planning an orthodontic treatment it is necessary to consider the shape of teeth and their possible adjustment (recountouring, prosthetic adjustment with veneer/crown).
Key words:
dental esthetics – shape of upper incisors – size of upper incisors – shape of upper canines
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Maxillofacial surgery Orthodontics Dental medicineArticle was published in
Czech Dental Journal

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