Early Childhood Caries and its Consequences
E. Kaplová
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika zubního lékařství LF UP a FN, Olomouc
Published in:
Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník 114, 2014, 1, s. 3-8
Review Article
J. O. Turner was the first, who in year 1906 described the developmental defect of permanent tooth caused by periapical inflammation of temporary predecessor. This disorder is most common in the upper front teeth and premolars, because of their close relationships between roots of deciduous teeth and germs. Today are these changes called developmental defects of enamel (DDE), and they divide into hypoplasia, demarcated and diffuse opacity. The hypoplasia is a defect with a local reduction in the thickness of the enamel. Diffuse and demarcated opacity is characterized by normal thickness of the enamel, there it is only a change in the translucency of enamel, which are defined to normal enamel with clear or indistinct border. The most common cause of inflammation of deciduous teeth is affecting by early childhood caries (ECC) and the development of its complications. The prevalence of this disorder is still relatively high. It ranges from 1% among Australian children and 2.1% of children in Scandinavia to 85% of children in country areas of China. The origin of ECC is caused by multiple factors. We rank among them cariogenic microorganisms, carbohydrates, sensitive tooth surface, time and immaturity of local defense mechanisms, small resistance of tooth enamel shortly after eruption, microbial colonization of the oral cavity and the number of mistakes in the composition of a meal.
The aim of this work is a synthesis of recent and historical knowledge of the link between early childhood caries and developmental enamel defects on their permanent successors.
Key words:
early childhood caries – ECC – developmental defects of enamel – DDE – DDE index – enamel
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