Dental Caries Prevention Strategies, Application of Evidence-Based Medicine
Part II. Current Treatment, Preventive and Prophylactic Technologies. Fluorides.
Z. Broukal 1; J. Dušková 1; V. Merglová 2; R. Koberová-Ivančaková 3; E. Ryšlavá 4
Authors‘ workplace:
Stomatologická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha
1; Stomatologická klinika LF UK FN, Plzeň
2; Stomatologická klinika LF UK a FN, Hradec Králové
3; COLGATE-PALMOLIVE Česká republika, spol. s r. o., Praha
Published in:
Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník 115, 2015, 3, s. 70-78
Review Article
The second part of the literature review presents evidences supporting the current strategy of caries prevention summarizes knowledge about different forms of fluoride and their effects, especially in children and youth. The review describes individual forms of systemic fluoridation comprising fluoridation of drinking water, milk and fluoride supplements, and topical forms comprising toothpastes, mouthwashes, fluoride gels and varnishes, slow release fluoride devices and complex fluoride salts of silver. The cited data on their effect are taken mainly from meta-analytic studies and reports from Cochrane database systematic reviews. Mentioned below are the basic documents of the World Health Organization and national and international professional organizations, which point to the need for the qualified management of fluoride prevention at the individual and community level to achieve maximum effect and risk minimization. Efficiency (but safety) of topically applied fluorides in individual home dental care is dependent on the degree of compliance of individuals, respectively parents of children and on the level of competence of providers of preventive counselling. The broad spectrum of these resources allows individualization of fluoride prevention based on risk analysis of caries attack and taking into account other preventive measures.
fluoride – dental caries – systemic and topical fluoride prevention
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