Residual Natal Tooth
(Case Report)
V. Merglová
Authors‘ workplace:
Stomatologická klinika LF UK a FN, Plzeň
Published in:
Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník 117, 2017, 4, s. 85-89
Case Report
The natal teeth are defined as the presence of teeth in oral cavity at birth, whereas those that erupt within the neonatal period are called neonatal teeth. The natal or neonatal teeth may cause problems in feeding, risk of aspiration or swallowing and irritation of infant´s sublingual frenum. Very rare complication following extraction or spontaneous exfoliation of natal/neonatal teeth is continuous dentin and cementum formation by the remaining dental papilla and epithelial Hertwig´s sheath. This condition is connected with eruption of „tooth-like structure“. The term „residual natal/neonatal tooth“ for this clinical situation was suggested.
The aim of the case report was to describe the clinical situation of a neonate with two natal teeth, treatment of natal teeth and complication after extractions of the natal teeth and long term follow up.
Case report:
A caucasian two days old girl was examined due to presence of two partially erupted teeth in frontal region of mandible. The teeth were present in oral cavity at birth. Both natal teeth were extracted due to serious mobility two weeks later. The extracted teeth have hypoplastic and hypomineralised enamel and were without roots. The infant was examined six months later and the presence of yellowish hard dental tissues was noticed in frontal region of mandible in place of extracted left natal tooth. The same clinical observations were found during regular clinical recalls and during the last recall at five years and six months of age. Based on anamnestic data and clinical observations the diagnosis of the residual natal tooth was established.
Residual natal or neonatal tooth is a very rare complication following spontaneous loss or extraction of natal or neonatal tooth. The longitudinal regular postextraction recalls are required to diagnose this complication and to observe the status of developing dentition.
natal tooth – neonatal tooth – residual tooth
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