Clinical Picture of Candida albicans in the Oral Cavity
J. Minčík; E. Ďurovič; A. Konečná; M. Riznič; J. Vodrážka
Authors‘ workplace:
I. stomatologická klinika LF UK a OUSA, Bratislava
; SKZL- Regionálna komora zubných lekárov, Košice
Published in:
Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník 118, 2018, 1, s. 8-11
Review Article
Aim of study:
The authors describe three types of infections in the oral mucosa caused by fungus Candida albicans. The first type are acute infections, among which we include the acute pseudomembranous candidiasis and the acute erythematous candidiasis. The second type are chronic infections, which include: chronic pseudomembranous form, erythematous form, plaque-like form and nodular form. The third group of infections consists of cheilitis angularis, stomatitis prothetica and glossitis rhombica mediana. The authors conclude that the presented division of infections specifies the clinical diagnosis and improves the quality of differential diagnosis and thus improves treatment practices.
oral candidosis – oral health – infection induced by Candida albicans
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