News and perspectives in uterine fibroids radiotherapy
K. Kubínová 1; M. Mára 1; P. Horák 1; R. Kříž. 2; J. Mašková 3; D. Kužel 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika VFN a 1. LF UK, Praha, přednosta prof. MUDr. A. Martan, DrSc.
1; Radiodiagnostické oddělení, Nemocnice Na Homolce, Praha, primář doc. MUDr. J. Vymazal, DrSc.
2; Department of Radiology, Royal Infirmary Hospital, Aberdeen, Skotsko
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2009; 74(1): 22-26
Uterine artery embolization (UAE) represents radiological treatment of uterine fibroids. It is highly effective and safe mainly in premenopausal patients with symptomatic fibroids and represents an alternative to hysterectomy in a group of women not suitable for minimally invasive surgical treatment (LAVH) and women desiring uterus sparing therapy. The future of UAE lies in optimal selection of patients based on volume-shrinkage prediction and fertility outcome. The second group is represented by methods based on direct fibroid tissue destruction using specific energy under MRI or UZ guidance. The common aim of these two groups is the volume shrinkage as well as the symptomatic relief. The second group is represented by radiofrequency ablation, focused ultrasound surgery, interstitial laser ablation and cryotherapy. Based on their non-surgical, percutaneous approach these can be classified as minimally-invasive methods. The second group of methods is suitable only for patients with the absence of any desire for child bearing due to the absence of their long-term outcome data.
Key words:
uterine fibroids, radiofrequency ablation, focused ultrasound surgery, interstitial laser ablation, cryotherapy.
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

2009 Issue 1
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