Primary Cutaneous Actinomycosis in Two Patients Treated with Clindamycin

Authors: Z. Kozáčiková;  V. Vašků;  H. Jedličková
Authors‘ workplace: I. dermatovenerologická klinika FN U sv. Anny v Brne a LF MU prednosta doc. MUDr. Vladimír Vašků, CSc.
Published in: Čes-slov Derm, 84, 2009, No. 5, p. 264-268
Category: Case Reports


Actinomycosis is a granulomatous suppurative bacterial disease caused by anaerobic bacteria Actinomyces israeli presented primarily as the cervico-facial, thoracic, abdominal or pelvic form. Primary cutaneous actinomycosis is very rare and it is usually associated with external trauma and/or local ischemia. We report two cases of a primary cutaneous actinomycosis of the hand with similar clinical history and presentation. The first case describes an 81-year-old man with post-traumatic lesion on the dorsal part of the right hand. The second patient, 51-year-old man had a pustular lesion in the same area, also developed post-traumatically. In both cases the diagnosis was established by culture, in the first case microscopy was positive, too. The first patient completely healed after a 4-month course of treatment with clindamycin, in the second case the clindamycin therapy was not sufficient and the treatment continued by 3 months of doxycycline administration with excellent result.

Key words:
cutaneous actinomycosis – treatment – clindamycin – doxycycline


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