Nimesulid-induced Severe Adverse Reaction of Generalized Bullous Fixed Drug Eruption Type – Case Report

Authors: E. Březinová 1;  V. Thon 2 ;  S. Zgažarová 1;  E. Štrnálová 1;  V. Vašků 1;  L. Střelec 3;  R. Sís 3;  H. Jedličková 1
Authors place of work: I. dermatovenerologická klinika, FN u sv. Anny a LF MU, Brno přednosta prof. MUDr. Vladimír Vašků, CSc. 1;  Ústav klinické imunologie a alergologie, FN u sv. Anny a LF MU, Brno přednosta prof. MUDr. Jiří Litzman, CSc. 2;  Oddělení psychiatricko-neurologické, Psychiatrická nemocnice Brno primář MUDr. Ivo Černý 3
Published in the journal: Čes-slov Derm, 89, 2014, No. 5, p. 225-229
Category: Case interpretation


The authors describe a case of generalized bullous fixed drug eruption after the systemic use of nimesulide successfully treated by an intravenous immunoglobulin. They discuss differential diagnoses particularly Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis and provide an overview of current knowledge on the pathogenesis and treatment of this reaction.

Key words:
generalized bullous fixed drug eruption – toxic epidermal necrolysis – Stevens-Johnson syndrome – intravenous immunoglobulin – apoptosis – severe adverse drug reactions


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