Thyroid Gland and Iodiuria of Neonates in an Area with Adequate Iodine Intake
Štítna žľaza a jodúria novorodencov v oblasti s dostatočnýmpríjmom jódu
Vyšetrilo sa 258 novorodencov prvý týždeň po pôrode so zameraním na ultrasonografické zmeranie objemuštítnej žľazy (ŠŽ). Okrem toho 75 novorodencom a ich matkám sa vyšetrila jodúria a 44 matkám aj vylučovaniejódu do mlieka. Priemerný objem ŠŽ novorodencov bol 0,60 ± 0,2 ml. Deti narodené v termíne mali väčšie ŠŽ akodeti narodené pred termínom (0,62 ± 0,2 ml, 0,45 ± 0,1 ml, p < 0,01). Nezistila sa korelácia medzi objemom ŠŽa telesnou hmotnosťou. Medián jodúrie u novorodencov bol 6,5 mg/dl a u matiek 6,1 mg/dl. Medzi jodúriou matieka ich detí sa zistila korelácia (r = 0,372, p < 0,01). Medián vylučovaného jódu do mlieka bol 5,5 mg/dl. Dostatočnýpríjem jódu matkou počas tehotenstva sa môže odzrkadliť aj na veľkosti ŠŽ jej novorodenca. Namerané hodnotyobjemov ŠŽ možno považovať za primerané, napriek tomu ale väčšie objemy ako 1 ml sa častejšie namerali deťomviacrodičiek (11/16), preto by bolo vhodné zvážiť, či by sa predsa len i v oblasti s dostatočným príjmom jódu nemalviacrodičkám príjem jódu počas tehotenstva zvýšiť.
Klíčová slova:
objem štítnej žľazy, novorodenci, jodúria, jód v mlieku
M. Tajtáková; J. Capová; Langer P. . Bíreš J. 1; E. Šeboková 1; J. Petrovičová
Authors‘ workplace:
I. interná klinika LF UPJŠ, Košice, prednosta doc. MUDr. T. Hildebrand, CSc. I. gynekologicko-pôrodnická klinika FNsP, Košice, prednosta doc. MUDr. Š. Lukačin, CSc. ÚEE, Slovenská akadémia vied, Bratislava, 1riaditeľ RNDr. R. Kvetňanský, DrSc. Klinické sk
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 1999; (1): 134-136.
The authors examined 258 neonates during the first week after delivery, focused on ultrasonographic asses-sment of the volume of the thyroid gland. Moreover in 75 neonates and their mothers also iodiuria was assessedand in 44 mothers iodine excretion in milk. The mean volume of the thyroid gland in neonates was 0.60 ± 0.2 ml.Infants born in term had larger thyroid glands than premature infants (0.62 ± 0.2 ml, 0.45 ± 0.1 ml, P < 0.1). Theauthors did not find a correlation between the volume of the thyroid gland and body weight. The median of iodiuriain neonates was 6.5 mg/dl and in mothers 6.1 mg/dl. Between the iodiuria of the mothers and that of their childrena correlation was found (r = 0.372, P < 0.01). The median of iodine excreted in milk was 5.5 mg/dl. Adequate iodineintake by the mother during pregnancy can influence also the size of the thyroid gland of her neonate. The assessedvalues of thyroid volumes are adequate, however, larger volumes such as 1 ml were recorded more frequently inchildren of multiparae (11/16). Therefore it would be useful to consider whether even in areas with an adequateiodine intake the iodine intake of multiparae should not be increased.
Key words:
thyroid volume, neonates, iodiuria, iodine content of milk
Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics
1999 Issue 1
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- Thyroid Gland and Iodiuria of Neonates in an Area with Adequate Iodine Intake