Prevention of CAN Syndrome in the Child

Authors: L. Mazúchová 1;  I. Tokárová 2
Authors‘ workplace: Ústav ošetrovateľstva JLF UK, Martin vedúca doc. Mgr. K. Žiaková, Ph. D., mim. prof. JLF UK 1;  Detská psychiatrická ambulancia, Košice 2
Published in: Čes-slov Pediat 2009; 64 (1): 28-32.
Category: Review


Maltreated, abused and neglected children have their long-lasting hurts to bear. These are the base of many psychogenic diseases, addiction, social maladaptation, unsocial as well as antisocial behavior and delinquency. It is more effective to prevent this problem from growing and repetition than to help and treat the children who have already suffered violence.

Based on case study analysis, the authors point out prevention methods and prevention occasions for an addicted mother with a child in who a potential risk of maltreated and neglected child already exists. With the help of case-records, an addicted mother’s problems in care for her child during the first months of baby’s life get identified. Risk factors in mother and child are referred to from the standpoint of maltreatment and neglect prevention and solutions for effective help are looked for.

Key words:
maltreatment, neglect, CAN syndrome, prevention, risk


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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescents
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