Approach to Breastfeeding in Pediatric General Practice during Period of 1985–2001

Authors: K. Bajerová;  H. Hrstková
Authors place of work: I. dětská interní klinika LF MU a FN Brno, Pracoviště dětské medicíny přednostka prof. MUDr. H. Hrstková, CSc.
Published in the journal: Čes-slov Pediat 2009; 64 (1): 12-17.
Category: Original Papers


We wanted to find out, whether during the period of 1985–2001 there was an increase in number of mothers who adhered to the WHO recommendation of minimal exclusive breastfeeding duration for the 4 first months of child´s life, optimally for 6 months. Next question was whether there was higher number of mothers who breastfed their child up to the end of first year of life. At least we decided to define factors with important influence on the duration of exclusive and total breastfeeding.

We enrolled data of 529 children who were registered at the pediatric general practitioner’s ambulatory during period of 1985–1986 (132 children), 1990–1991 (113), 1995–1996 (133) and 2000–2001 (151). The source of the data was the standardized health documentation of pediatric general practice.

In each selected subset by the natal year we determined the number of children exclusively breastfed for less than 4 months, for at least 4 and less than 6 months and for 6 and more months, respectively. In the category of total breastfeeding duration we determined the number of children breastfed less than 12 months and breastfed fro minimum 12 months. We defined numbers of children in each subset by the natal year according to the mother’s education, age at the time of delivery and the sequence of the child in the family.

Comparing the obtained data of selected cohorts we found out that there were increasing numbers of children exclusively breastfed for minimum 6 months. The percentage rose from 6.06% in 1985–1986 up to 47.02 in 2000–2001. Mother’s milk in the diet till the child’s first birthday was found in 1.51% in the group of 1985–1986 in comparison to 30.46% in the group of 2000–2001.

We did not find any significant relationship between the sequence of the child in the family and the duration of exclusive or total breastfeeding.

We found statistically significant difference in the duration of exclusive breastfeeding according to mother’s education in the group of children born in the years 1990–1991 and 1995–1996.

The age of the mother was a significant factor influencing the length of exclusive breastfeeding in the group of children born in the period of 2000–2001.

The number of mothers who were able to respect the WHO recommended duration of breastfeeding was increasing during the period of 1985–2001 in this selected pediatric general practice.

Key words:
exclusive breastfeeding, total breastfeeding, factors influencing breastfeeding


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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescents
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