Physical activity and addictive diseases: a surprising observation

Authors: K. Nešpor 1;  L. Csémy 2
Authors‘ workplace: Oddělení léčby závislostí – muži, Psychiatrická léčebna Bohnice, Prahaprimář MUDr. K. Nešpor, CSc. 1;  Laboratoř sociální psychiatrie, Psychiatrické centrum Prahavedoucí PhDr. L. Csémy 2
Published in: Čes-slov Pediat 2013; 68 (1): 57-60.
Category: Actual Topic


The contribution includes new and so far unpublished data from the Czech population. Adequate physical activity mitigates the craving for psychotropic substances and puts into effect in the therapy of addictive diseases. In the case of prevention in adolescents the situation is more complicated. Original data from the Czech Republic indicate that soccer, wrestling, box or kick box, anaerobic exercise and dance have been associated with increased risk of alcohol abuse in pupils of the 9th grade. Moreover, box or kick box were associated with increased abuse of marihuana. The authors presume the influence of social factors and, in case of soccer, the connection with the advertising of alcohol and hazard.

Key words:
motion activities, sports, addictive diseases, prevention


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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescents

Article was published in

Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

Issue 1

2013 Issue 1
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