Differences in mental health of pupils in urban and rural
P. Dankovičová 1; Ž. Fetisovová 1; I. Ondrejka 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav nelekárskych študijných programov, Jesseniova lekárska fakulta UK, Martinprednostka doc. Mgr. M. Bašková, PhD.
1; Psychiatrická klinika, Univerzitná nemocnica, Martinprednosta doc. MUDr. I. Ondrejka, PhD.
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2013; 68 (5): 309-318.
Original Papers
The aim of the study was to investigate the differences in mental health of pupils in urban and rural. We have not registered a similar study in the domestic and foreign literature sources, however, the several studies suggested that there were differences in the mental health and the prevalance of mental disorders in urban and rural, especially in the adult population. Several authors argue that it is necessary to expand this research which would help to clarify many causalities. We intend to contribute to the expansion of knowledge in this field with our results. The research was carried out at the primary and eight-grade grammar schools in the Žilina region (Slovak Republik). 406 pupils of 6th and 7th class have participated in the research. The average age of pupils was 12.4 years.
The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ12), the Affect Balance Scale (ABS), the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale (SeS) and the Live Event Inventory (LEI) were used in investigating the extent of mental healh. The Demographic data sheet including age, gender, type of school, year/grade, family type, type of living and education of parents was created as a part of research tools. Mann-Whitney and Chi Square test were applied as a statistical method. A significant difference was found in the Emotional Balance Scale, namely in the Positive Emotions, where the pupils living in urban marked more Positive Emotions in comparison with those living in rural. No significant difference was found in the remaining items.
Key words:
mental health, mental health indicators, primary schools, socio-economic indicator – living
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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

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