Risks of late haemophilia diagnosis

Authors: S. Köhlerová 1;  P. Timr 2;  J. Blatný 1
Authors‘ workplace: Oddělení dětské hematologie, FN Brno a Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity, Brno 1;  Dětské oddělení, Nemocnice České Budějovice, a. s. 2
Published in: Čes-slov Pediat 2017; 72 (3): 160-163.


Haemophilia is rare congenital bleeding disorder. Early diagnosis of haemophilia is important especially for patients with severe disease. The sooner is the diagnosis made and the treatment is started, the better is the chance to avoid musculoskeletal damage caused by spontaneous bleeding. Thus the cost of treatment related to bleeding complications as well as the burden for hemophilia patients may be reduced.

Key words:
haemophilia, early diagnosis, factor VIII, factor IX, prophylaxis


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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescents
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