The correlation between grade of adenoid hypertrophy verified by nasofiberendoscopy and grade of nasal obstruction objectivised by rhinomanometry
J. Sojak 1,3; P. Ďurdík 2; R. Péčová 3,4
Authors‘ workplace:
Slovenská zdravotnícka univerzita v Bratislave, Lekárska fakulta Slovenskej zdravotníckej univerzity
Klinika otorinolaryngológie a chirurgie hlavy a krku, Ústredná vojenská nemocnica SNP – Fakultná
nemocnica, Ružomberok
1; Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Jesseniova lekárska fakulta v Martine (JLF UK), Klinika detí
a dorastu, Univerzitná nemocnica, Martin
2; Ústav patologickej fyziológie JLF UK, Martin
3; Martinské centrum pre biomedicínu JLF UK, Martin
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2017; 72 (3): 164-169.
Original Papers
The aim of the study was to clarify correlation between the grade of adenoid hypertrophy objectivised by nasofiberendoscopy and the grade of nasal obstruction objectivised by rhinomanometry; to explicate changes between groups defined by the grade of mutual adenoid hypertrophy due to grade of nasal obstruction and due to parameters of nasal patency.
Altogether 156 children (average age of 6.7 years and average height of 123 cm) were submitted to a nasal fiberoptic endoscopy; condition of nasopharynx and the grade of potential adenoid hypertrophy were determined, according to which the children were divided into groups. We also conducted active anterior rhinomanometry and assessed values of total transnasal inspiratory airflow (Fl.L+R) and total nasal resistance (ResL+R). We compared these values with reference parameters and assessed grade of nasal obstruction for all groups. Subsequently we statistically evaluated relations between groups defined by the grade of adenoids, grade of nasal obstruction, and parameters of nasal patency.
We confirmed positive correlation between the grade of adenoids and grade of nasal obstruction (p<0.0001), whilst higher grade of adenoids relates to higher grade of obstruction. We confirmed statistically significant differences between groups defined by adenoids’ grade due to grade of nasal obstruction (p<0.0001); thus between all particular groups with adenoids reciprocally, when groups with higher grade of adenoids suffer from higher grade of nasal obstruction more frequently. We confirmed significant differences between groups defined by adenoids’ grade due to Fl.L+R and ResL+R (p<0.0001), whereas due to higher grade of adenoids we observed decrease of Fl.L+R and increase of ResL+R.
Rhinomanometry is diagnostic method, which helps us to define grade of nasal obstruction and derive the grade of adenoids, especially in patients who don´t tolerate the nasofiberendoscopy. It is optimal, if rhinomanometry is in advance complemented by nasofiberoendoscopy, in order to exclude another nasal cavity and nasopharyngeal pathologies. Rhinomanometry can help us to evaluate effect of therapy. Evaluation of clinical status and nasofiberendoscopy complemented by rhinomanometry can be considered as most effective and most objective diagnostic algorithm used in adenoids therapy.
Key words:
adenoids, nasal obstruction, nasal patency, airway resistance, rhinoendoscopy, rhinomanometry
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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

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