Severe iron intoxication in a 16-year-old patient

Authors: Kadlečíková Martina 1;  Ondrušová Adriana 1,2;  Poláková Katarína 1;  Slaný Jaroslav 1,3
Authors place of work: Pediatrická klinika, Fakultná nemocnica Trnava 1;  Fakulta zdravotníctva, Trenčianska univerzita, Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne 2;  Fakulta zdravotníctva, a sociálnej práce, Trnavská univerzita 3
Published in the journal: Čes-slov Pediat 2023; 78 (1): 30-33.
doi: https://doi.org/10.55095/CSPediatrie2023/005


Intoxications in children still represent a serious problem in the Slovak Republic and account for 50 % of all intoxications consulted with the National Toxicological Information Center (NTIC) in Bratislava. Acute iron intoxication is a serious condition that can progress rapidly to multiorgan failure and death. In this article, we present a case of intoxication of a 16-year-old patient who intentionally ingested 50 tablets of an iron-containing preparation. The total dose corresponded to 5000 mg of elemental iron, which at a patient weight of 50 kg was 100 mg/kg. Due to signs of severe intoxication and high ingested iron dose, we indicated the administration of an antidote to adjust the clinical condition and serum iron levels. Patient recovered without sequelae due to the prompt initiation of detoxification treatment. Given that iron poisoning can lead to serious complications, we use this case report to point out the importance of knowing the clinical picture, course and early initiation of treatment in a patient with acute intoxication.


poisoning in children – iron intoxication – toxic noxa – deferoxamine – suicidium


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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescents
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