The use of the skeletal survey in suspected physical child abuse – a case report

Authors: Peychl Ivan 1;  Vilkusová Lada 2;  Mašková Ladislava 2;  Popelová Eliška 3;  Škvařil Jan 4;  Pospíšilová Romana 5;  Navrátilová Klára 1;  Vašíčková Jana 1;  Voráčková Theodora 1;  Mašek Martin 2
Authors place of work: Pediatrické oddělení, FN Bulovka, Praha 1;  Radiodiagnostické oddělení, FN Bulovka, Praha 2;  Klinika zobrazovacích metod, 2. lékařská fakulta, Univerzita, Karlova a FN Motol, Praha 3;  Oddělení dětské chirurgie, FN Bulovka, Praha 4;  Dětská ordinace Pediatrie RP, s. r. o., Roudnice nad Labem 5
Published in the journal: Čes-slov Pediat 2024; 79 (3): 156-160.
Category: Case Report
doi: https://doi.org/10.55095/CSPediatrie2024/009


A six month old girl with limited left leg movement and left foot and left lower leg edema was admitted to the pediatric department. There was no history of trauma. Plain radiographs showed a left tibial fractures. Due to suspected abusive origin of the injury, the girl underwent a thorough examination, including a full initial and follow-up skeletal survey. Multiple fractures were detected, including a clinically occult right leg fracture. Healing of all injuries was uncomplicated and required conservative approach only. The case was referred to the police and Child Protection Services for further management.


fractures – child physical abuse – radiological skeletal survey – follow-up skeletal survey


Korespondenční adresa:

Ivan Peychl
Pediatrické oddělení FN Bulovka
Budínova 67/2
180 81 Praha 8

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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescents

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