Carcinoma rete testis

Authors: Katarína Slatinová 1;  Zdeněk Šalomon 2;  Martin Labovský 1
Authors place of work: Urologické oddělení Nemocnice Znojmo, p. o. 1;  Patologicko-anatomické oddělení nemocnice Znojmo, p. o. 2
Published in the journal: Ces Urol 2012; 16(2): 108-111
Category: Case report


We report a case of nongerminal malignant tumour affecting the rete testis. This rare tumour can be misdiagnosed with other types of metastatic malignant tumours. Because of its aggressive biological behavior and resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, tumor size at the time of diagnosis is the only proven factor in survival of patients with this disease.

Key words:
rete testis, testis, carcinoma.


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Paediatric urologist Nephrology Urology
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